
Tuesday, May 21, 2013

HTTYD Funnies number 2

So, when you spend an HUGE amount of time thinking about HTTYD, sometimes funny things happen, and sometimes they are only funny if you get the context. This next HTTYD related funny is probably the oldest one! Yep, three years ago. Man time has flown since then, but I still love Hiccup and Toothless just as much (if not more).

Alright on to the story. After my younger brother and I watched HTTYD we were immediately humongous fans! We bought up tons of merchandise, and I wound up buying the video game even though I did not have a system to play it on! We put all this merchandise in one room, and when friends would come over who had a game system, they would bring their system and we would play the HTTYD video game. Then that wound up also being the room in which we watched the HD trailer for the movie over, and over, and over, and over again! So, yes, this story has something to do with this particular room. While all this cool HTTYD stuff was happening someone gave my mother potpourri, and my mother did not really know where to put it. It wound up in that certain room. At first it was noticeable, but before long we never noticed the scent and we went on playing the game in that room, watching the trailer, messing with the merchandise, and just doing typical fan stuff. Then we left to go to my grandmother's house. We were gone for a week, and when I returned something really strange happened...

I walked into that room, smelled the extremely strong potpourri, and I thought to myself "It smells like How to Train your DRAGON in here...". But then I thought, "Oh no, that is just weird and stupid! Orange peachy scents have absolutely nothing to do with HTTYD, so why do I even think that?" I walked out of the room for a minute and then came back in. My brother was standing in the middle of the room sniffing. He gave me a thoughtful look and then said, "Man, it smells like How to Train your DRAGON in here!" My jaw dropped! It was hilarious! Who would have thought that weird potpourri would make us both think the EXACT same thing! We could not believe it! Funny how fandom works that way. Weird things happen when you live in the world of dragons and vikings!

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