
Thursday, May 23, 2013

HTTYD Pet Peeve number 2

When you really like HTTYD, certain things suddenly bother you. Tiny things that most people wouldn't notice. You're not going to KILL anyone for doing them, but they irritate you seriously. My first pet peeve was listed earlier as being blue Night Furies. Honestly, that pet peeve probably only bugs me HALF as much as this one I am about to discuss. Thankfully, as far as I can see, this annoyance is relatively rare, but it is still there. My second pet peeve is Hiccup haters!

Whoa, hold on. What do you mean by Hiccup haters? What I mean by Hiccup haters is pretty broad, but I can think of two types of them and these two types often merge together. The first type is the one who simply criticizes him on a surface level. They talk about him as a movie entity and they criticize things like voice acting or animation. They attack what they consider to be plot holes or ideas that he has that they feel are stupid. Granted, these people really bug me, but I can listen to them and try and defend my little hero. The other type might be worse! These people watch the film and root for everyone except for Hiccup! That can be anyone from Snotlout, to Astrid, to Alvin! I honestly have found a lot of them to be super dedicated Astrid fans. I think the connection could be in the way Hiccup thinks and acts and the way Astrid thinks and acts. Hiccup is a risk taker and a world changer. Astrid is a much more traditional person, and she does not rush into plans until she knows she is prepared for them. So Astrid is often critical of Hiccup (sometimes for a good reason) in the film and series, and that leads to the Astrid fans being critical of him as well. The general pattern I see in these kinds of people (not just the Astrid fans but Hiccup haters in general) is to watch the movie or the episodes and literally cheer when bad things happen to Hiccup! They sit back and give a "Ha, you asked for that!" I can think of many instances where they do it. One would be when Hiccup is struck by lightning. Are they concerned? No, they think it is funny! Next might be when Hiccup frees Mildew from the Outcast jail. When Mildew betrays Hiccup at the end these people sit there and say "Well duh! I mean, what kind of idiot frees his enemy?" The Hiccupish kind of idiot who also freed a downed Night Fury that's who!! So anyway if you want to be nice to me, please don't attack Hiccup. Don't insult him. Don't try and pull out his flaws. Don't call him whiney, rebellious, aggravating, or stupid. It really actually does bug me!

Oh, and please don't think that I am not an Astrid fan! I like her a lot, it is just that I often see a connection between hardcore Astrid lovers and people who are hyper critical of Hiccup. If you are one of these people, that is perfectly ok! You can like the movie and the characters in your own way! Just please don't sit next to me while we watch the episodes and vent attacks on Hiccup's personality!

1 comment:

  1. You're right, people like that are very annoyng. I mean, EVERYONE has it's flaws, but the good thing to do is push the flaws away and look at the bright side of things. Hiccup is an awesome charachter and even if he has his mistakes, I still like him and if fan means really liking someone/something, count me as a big fan of Hiccup, Astrid, their relationship....and just about everything in the franchise :D
