
Saturday, May 18, 2013

Looking Back...

This is one of my earliest HTTYD drawings. Man, the dvd had not even been released yet! Those were the days when HTTYD was everywhere! Advertisements, conversations, events, birthday parties, everybody loved that film! There was a lot of hype and excitement, and I was right in the middle of it! I convinced at least twelve people to go and watch the film, and I went to it three times in theaters. Then the hype and excitement died down, and we got no new HTTYD stuff until GotNF thirteen months later! That was a long wait, and it has been a really strange, but really cool three years of loving this movie! What is strange is that I think I might love the movie even MORE now than I did then! Even with no hype, even with no crowds wanting to discuss it with me, even with no birthday parties, or theater showings, HTTYD is STILL just as amazing! I feel like it has gripped me even more as I have watched it over these years, and I honestly hope and think that I will love this movie just as much as I do now for the rest of my life! 

1 comment:

  1. Wow... What a great story.
    Over here in Germany, this movie wasn't that popular actually. Of course there were advertisements, merchandise articles of any kind, but somehow I didn't take that much notice. Somewhen in 2011, a friend of mine, who is watching movies with me occasionally got a bunch of DVD's borrowed from the movie-library to watch. None of us knew HTTYD until then and so we decided to watch this one. I was sooooo amazed by it, that I bought myself the DVD instantly! Since then I watched it approximately 70 times. Man... A lot of dragonific stuff happened since then. I don't even want to know how I'd have wasted all those countless hours I spent with the movie, the books, the sequel, writing my friend Toothless the Nightfury, this blog, the wiki and many more HTTYD-related things if I would not have watched this movie in the first place. So a big thanks to Dreamworks, the directors and the whole staff for creating this awesome masterpiece! I can truly say, it changed my life a lot.

    Greetings from Dresden, Germany
