
Sunday, May 5, 2013

Video "Dear Friend"

Hello again,

when my friend Toothless became an admin on the wiki, I just felt like putting my congratulations and my general regards to him into a little film. Before I explain, how I did this, just watch it first :)

Well then: Here's how I've done it:
  1. Preparations
    • I needed a video-cutting-application, so I bought Magix Video Deluxe 2013
    • I copied all the transcripts from Berk's Grapevine and transformed them the way I needed them (Quite a hassle, since I only had the source code of the previously downloaded pages to crawl with pretty complicated regular expressions and stuff like that...). There were some parts missing, some spelling errors and a big number of inconsistencies in formatting. I omitted everything that was not spoken, so that I only had several text files left with the names in the odd and the spoken sentences in the even lines of those text files.
    • I've programmed a little application to process those transcript-files. This program was able to order by names, by episodes and so on...
  2. Now I've written my letter to Toothless:
    Hello good old friend,
    since I know that you really love quotes what I say, I thought this might be a good idea. I thought pretty long about what to say here, but no matter what: Nothing can picture our friendship that wouldn't break in a perfect way. You're one of the best friend I ever had, so thank you bud, you're amazing! It's really cool, that you're now one of the chiefs of the "Viki". Who would have thought that? As you know, if you need a hand, you can always count on me. Plus it would make me perfectly happy if you wouldn't mind let me help you. Maybe one day we both might be running it together. Well I have to admit, you're the best to draw Dragons I've ever met! You made me smile so often, that it hurt my face more than once. Yep... that's weird, I could tell. Our best idea yet was to send each other snoggletog gift(s). Write you always makes for a good day. Very well then. I hope you really enjoyed this moving picture. See you tomorrow!
  3. I looked up the words and word-groups to piece this letter together from tiny movie-snippets
  4. While piecing this together, I had to rephrase some things in my letter, because for example the word "quote" was never said in any episode, short or the movie. For this I choose a piece where Hiccup says "[...] what I say [...]"
Well... That's it :)
Let me know what you think about it in the comments :)

Greetins from sunny Dresden

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