
Monday, August 12, 2013

Admin-comrades on the wiki

Well... It was sort of unexpected, but what just happened on the HTTYD-wiki somehow caused me to end up being an admin.
While being at work, I received a notification via facebook on my smartphone. I just had lunch break, so I looked it up. It was a fellow wiki-user, who told me: "so is someone trying to mess up with tooth in his talk page". I hadn't much time to check the page, but later that day I was able to take a look. There was an argument going on about that someone got downgraded for some not further explained reasons on a different wiki, that someone from our wiki kicked off. Altogether, three pepole were mad at each other insulting and accusing themselves and so I started typing a long comment to sum up their problems and extract the facts. My words didn't miss. The main pepole arguing put aside their differences and agreed to work together again. Someone even laid down his admin status by his own decision. That was pretty impressing for me.
Next thing I did was to start typing an email to Toothless about my day, what happened on the wiki and so on. Just usual stuff. Suddenly, I received tons of mails in my inbox. Pepole were writing on my talk page, some rights were readjusted and so on... What happened?
Someone who is called "The eye that sees" registered only to write a comment on the talk page of our main wiki-admin. In his comment, he pointed out, that someone who is admin on our wiki misbehaves on a pretty big scale. He also added some links. When I followed those links, I was really shocked about the words that were used on that page. This comment also caused our main admin to take a look at the most recent events, especially the argument I arbitrated. He put a very nice comment under that and suddenly promoted me to be an admin! The other person was downgraded and suddenly everyone left congratulations on my talk page.
I'm pretty confident I can care for the wiki in a good way so that it remains a safe and informative place for everyone, especially younger children who just like the movie.
Now there is one more thing, I have in common with my great friend Toothless. Now we are admin-comrades on the wiki. What I included in my "Dear Friend"-video some months ago just came true. I created this video, when Toothless became admin. It sais: "It's really cool, that you're now one of the chiefs of the "Viki". Who would have thought that? As you know, if you need a hand, you can always count on me. Plus it would make me perfectly happy if you wouldn't mind to let me help you. Maybe one day we both might be running it together.".

I'm looking forward to guard the wiki with one of my closest friends.


Greetings from Dresden, Germany

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