
Thursday, September 5, 2013

So... we've got some new dragons!

Defenders of Berk is airing on September 19, and after getting a two minute trailer, it is pretty clear that some new dragons are coming to Berk!

I,ll just post some images and thoughts on each one.

The Screaming Death:

This is the only new dragon named in the trailer. It looks strikingly like a huge albino Whispering death with a couple adjustments. Unlike the much smaller Whispering Death, this Screaming death seems to shoot fire blasts extremely rapidly, almost like a chain gun. When firing, its frill even sends out bursts of flame. I am very, VERY curious to see what this creatures relationship is with the other Whispering Deaths. In the trailer, Tuffnut sees it, begins to say how much he loves it, and then suddenly three Whispering Deaths rush over his head towards whatever he is looking at (I would guess towards the Screaming Death...?). Does this creature have the ability to summon its smaller cousins? Its name would fit. All other Death's simply Whisper, but this Death Screams and brings all others to itself. The trailer had TONS of Whispering deaths interspersed throughout, so it will be interesting to see 1. What is their relationship with the Screaming Death? 2. Why is the Screaming Death even at Berk? and 3. Does this have ANYTHING to do with Toothless's old rivalry with a Whispering Death. I for one, am intrigued!

Now this beautiful beastie was not named, but I have a theory, and most people on the wiki and in the fandom seem to agree. This is a Fireworm! Those teenie-tiny little dragons don't stay tiny forever! This looks like it could easily be some sort of Fireworm queen. I remember being sort of annoyed by the fact that Fireworms were smaller than Terrible Terrors because every statistic had claimed that the Terrible Terror was the smallest dragon. Maybe it still is! I do believe this creature is a Fireworm, and I am also super excited about what is behind it! Lots of people have been suggesting that it could be treasure, but I think it looks like a bee's nest, and I think that this creature is the mother of thousands and thousands of tiny Fireworms! It makes perfect sense! These little dragons are the most insect like, so why not all come from one huge hive and one HUGE mom!

This guy stopped my heart for a second! At first I thought it was a Skrill, but it is not! Thank goodness for that! When we get the Skrill, I want it to be a surprise... I want them to shock us with that dragon's first appearance (no pun intended). I certainly don't want to see him in a trailer first unless they make him a really mysterious and really, really big deal. But now for this creature. What is it? It has a Skrill like head and body, but it has four legs, glows, has long filamented wings, apparently a split tail, and shoots some kind of glowing gunk! Toothless is seen glowing in the trailer after fighting it, so I assume that he has been hit by a blast. Astrid also gets hit, but what does this glowing stuff DO? Is it poisonous? If it is poisonous or radioactive, then both Toothless and Astrid are infected! What a tense episode that will be! Those are Hiccup's closest friends, and if they are contaminated by a lethal glowing gunk... how tense and heartbreaking! Huh, I wonder if they would call this a Glowworm? Those are in the books, but they are nothing like this creature. Very interesting, very aggressive, and I do have to wonder how dangerous this dragon will be.

So, this season should be good! I do hope they try and keep characters a little more in character, but even if they don't, it should be very enjoyable. Now what I am most excited about is the fact that it really, REALLY looks like the sequel will keep Hiccup and Toothless in character and orbit almost completely around them and their friendship! That is what I wanna see! Go DreamWorks!

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