
Monday, October 28, 2013

Flightmare Image Compilation

This dragon was very interesting, and he is also very unique in a lot of different ways. He is one of the few with a noticeable overbite, he has Strike Class-like anatomy, and he is at least partially herbivorous! Kind of sad to see him go, but considering he killed Astrid's uncle (which he clearly did, I honestly don't see any question about that), I guess it is for the best. Anyway, here are some of the images I have gotten from the episode.

Very interesting episode overall. Not my favorite, but it certainly had its high points! Actually, it had a lot of good Hiccup and Astrid moments! We don't usually get to see them alone and on a mission together, and it felt a lot like the movie. They were not all lovey-dovey, and they were not all awkward, but you could tell they really did care about each other and work well together, so it felt much more in character than some other episodes. Very nice.

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