
Monday, October 7, 2013

The Night and the Fury: Things that I liked! Post 1

Alright, this episode was fantastic! Seriously... this is one of the few episodes that I have seen that will probably get quite a few posts concerning all the different aspects that were great in it! DoB1 got two posts (excluding the intro), DoB2 only got a single post concerning it (though it did have other good moments), but DoB3, The Night and the Fury, man... what an episode! This is just my quick intro to it, but hopefully I'll be typing out a whole plethora of posts because I really, really liked the episode. It is on the same level for me as What Flies Beneath, In Dragons We Trust and Alvin and the Outcasts, and We Are Family. And yet even though it stands up next to them as an exciting, mostly in character episode, it is very, very unique among them! The whole idea of Toothless being hunted for sport really grabs at my heartstrings and stresses me out, so this story just hit home for me. Keep an eye out, you'll be getting HD screenshots and lots of hopefully interesting little comments on all the aspects that I enjoyed in the best DoB (note I say DoB, not RoB) episode to date, The Night and the Fury!

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