
Monday, November 4, 2013

Introduction to Dimension Splash

I have debated for a long time whether or not to post this on my blog, but I have finally decided that it is HTTYD oriented enough to be on here. In short, Dimension Splash is a gigantic cross-over story. Pretty much any character from anything can and has appeared in this world. Now... that means things get pretty crazy, and there is a lot of stuff that does not really play into the HTTYD world that goes on in this story, BUT Dsplash's main character is Hiccup, and so this is pretty much one humongous fan fiction exploring how Hiccup would handle being thrown into a dimension other than his own. He and Toothless have gone tons of adventures over their ten years of being trapped in the Dsplash world, but now I am writing an in-depth conclusion to this tremendous tale. This story actually operated as a very fun role playing game for three years, but then I decided to write it out, and now it has sort of become a web novel of sorts. This is pretty much my ultimate tribute to Hiccup and Toothless. I spent three years developing the general story, and now I am taking far more time trying to finish it in a way that will really make them shine (hopefully). This is a story of Hiccup, Toothless, and a few other characters, and how they overcome the greatest villains who have ever existed. It will be confusing because I am writing the story in somewhat random chronicles, so if you have questions when I post them, I would be happy to answer them. If I get enough questions, I'll write out answer posts on the blog. There is a huge backstory behind this thing, so I would be happy to explain it.

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