
Thursday, December 26, 2013

A HUGE thank you for the Christmas gifts!

Ok guys, I'll just come out and say it, I was just SOOOO surprised to get stuff from you two this Christmas! It means a whole lot to me and the gifts are just spectacular! Seriously, I couldn't be happier, and I want to thank you both, Rima and Glory, very, very much for them! I'm just gonna post them here and mention a few thoughts on them!

So this is a poster gif made by Inhonoredglory for my little fanfiction thing, Dimension Splash, and I just LOVE it! The fact that the image makes it out to look like a film is really funny and cool because a friend of mine recently was joking around with me saying it should totally be turned into a six movie story. Anyway, yeah, it actually does a beautiful job of capturing a lot of the elements of the story. And of course, if anyone has read the Chronicles, they will know that Hiccup, Toothless, and Link are definitely the main characters. And Hiccup and Toothless are actually older now, so this poster is sooooo perfect for this next big step in the story! That little blue flurry in the middle also hints at the very mysterious and powerful forces that are swirling around in the shadows of the Dsplash plot, but these forces are really starting to come to light, and they are very, very deadly! Man, I even love the font! Thanks so much Glory! I really went nuts over this when I first got it, and I love it to pieces! Makes my thing look a lot more epic than it sometimes feels to me. I appreciate it a lot!

I was very excited to get even one gift from the fandom, so when this next one suddenly popped in, I was pretty much bouncing off the walls because it was just sooooo lovely! Rima had made it for me, and I really like the watercoloring. It makes me wish I was better in that medium. Anyway, if you open it in a new tab you should be able to clearly read the quote. It is yet again, a quote from my Dsplash stuff, but I NEVER saw my own writing as being nice enough to put into such a pretty art piece! Makes that moment feel every bit as lovely as I could have ever hoped! It is actually taken from the Chronicle Aftermath, and it is two different characters speaking, but for the sake of spoilers I will not describe the scene any more than that! Anyway, I hope that if any of you read Aftermath, you will think back on this art piece because it captures the feeling so perfectly!

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