
Friday, December 6, 2013

Alright, now I've seen both parts!

Wow, just... wow! I will be doing some more in depth analyses later, but let's just say that was good.

First off, IS ALVIN DEAD?!?! Come on, did Dagur just kill Alvin with a Skrill? Really?! If that actually happened and Alvin doesn't make a bookish comeback, I am so impressed! MAN! Dagur is a way, way better antagonist than Alvin anyway, and their sword fight was pretty cool! Ok, wow.

Secondly, aw'. I hope that is not the last time we ever see a Skrill in the franchise! Maybe HTTYD2 or a later episode will have him return. He was just SO GOOD. A beautiful and terrifying creature, and I really hope he (or another Skrill) will return because they are such great dragons. Anyway, here's hoping that isn't the only time we get to see him! I would never have imagined Torch returning, so maybe we'll get the Skrill back too! What an episode! What a dragon! He's terrifying and has such presence and power to him that I will be sad if they never use him again. The one they froze isn't dead, so it is possible that Dagur might find and use him again. Even if we don't see him again, the Skrill was pretty incredible!

And finally, THAT LAST SCENE! Wow... how intense! Pictures of Toothless with "kill" written all over then and then he stabs a knife into the pictures stomach. Made my heart twist a little! These were really fine episodes and I think they lived up to my hopes and didn't do anything with the Skrill that ruins my preconceptions of him. I just hope he comes back. Imagine how he'd look in the second movie if we get to see any of them!

And again, Dagur is just the absolute best villain of the series. After this episode, the Screaming Death is gonna feel so lame compared to the Skrill. That was just amazing! Two Strike class dragons duking it out, and the Skrill pulled some moves that clearly showed his intelligence! That was good too! I loved when he and Toothless would circle around each other or both do vertical take offs, just really fantastically done stuff there! Overall these two episodes were great and I am DYING to get screenshots!

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