
Friday, January 3, 2014

Ten Thoughts About the Skrill Episodes.

Well... I know these are a little late, but I kind of want to post ten things that I really liked about the Skrill and the Skrill episodes. These are points that I mailed to another HTTYD fan when we were having a very fun discussion of the episode, and now I have decided to just make a concise post of them. Anyway, I still love those episodes! Funny, we got them and then the HTTYD2 trailer in very quick succession, so that was an exciting December for me! Oh, and you will probably see that I get a bit crazier when actually mailing people directly. I'm a little spastic, but the Skrill episodes were worth it!


Man, so much to say! I have probably forgotten some of it, but let me just hit the fun stuff that I do remember!

First: The ice! That was neat! A very unique way to introduce the dragon! It also allowed for seven whole minutes of buildup! In that short amount of time I think they did a splendid job at giving the Skrill his deserved amount of presence! The fact that the only referred to the Skrill as "it" at first was glorious! Then of course when Hiccup announces what kind of dragon it is in the ice and the whole crowd hushes… sinister! I felt that him starting out being frozen was a really nice plot point, and then the way he unfroze and came looming out of the fog… I literally think I had a panic attack at that moment! So beautiful… yet because of my preconceptions, SO TERRIFYING!

Second: His internal body temperature allows him to survive in ice for years!? Does that mean the Skrill is sort of a cool dragon as opposed to others!? If so, can I just scream, GLORY'S WEB NOVEL! I loved that! Kind of hinting at what we (haha you) had imagined. It also plays in really well with Skari in my Dsplash plot because I had even focused on him being a cool dragon.

Third: When he first breaks out and slams into the academy roof, lightning buzzes through the chains, and if you remember, my first ever written fan fiction had the Skrill trapped in the academy roof sending lighting blasting through it! I sort of liked that! If any of you want to read that little story it is right here.

Forth: Starving!!!??? The Skrill is starving? Oh, that was just too much. I freaked out again! I just kept thinking, "NOOO! Hiccup, don't get anywhere near it DX" Anyway, nice to see that it likes sheep. Makes him feel a good deal more cruel and kind of matches up with your that one harrowing story Glory wrote based off my mental image. This dragon isn't a fish eater.

Fifth: And what a fight he puts up! I am glad he wasn't just flat-out evil, he was confused and hungry, but when he got aggressive, he got AGGRESSIVE! The way he pulled the lightning to himself in the air looked great, and I loved that he was able to pretty much single-handedly take out all the kids except for Hiccup and Toothless. Very impressive.

Sixth: When Toothless chased him down through the cloud and they were spiraling around each other, my brain was just cheering! XD

Seventh: I also liked the whole "plasma vs lightning" thing because it looked good, and it is actually remotely realistic! Nice to see that the deflecting can work both ways, but I think the Skrill had the advantage! Wow, he was very lethal for a dragon in there series, so I am just imagining how epic he would be in the films! He and Toothless would both be the ultimate killing machines of their world, and you can just imagine the havoc of the Skrill's blasts!

Eighth: Small thing, but the animation on the Skrill's tongue was good, and what with the whole Skrill Story, I felt that that was really freaky, but also a really nice detail! It was quite long and he kind of let it flail around his mouth, or BETTER, he flexed it when angry! Very reptilian. Nice touch… and yet one more thing to give me the shivers!

Ninth: YES! I liked the Dagur sassing Alvin! So funny! The idea of "let's have all the bad guys team up" felt lame when first described. Kind of the cliche finale, BUT they surprised me by keeping the villains in character, and that meant they wound up duking it out! That was cool. I like Dagur better than Alvin as far as characters go, so I was pleased that he won. Pretty shocking end to the battle though! I doubt Alvin is dead, but it was still a gloriously edgy moment! Then, the end with Dagur stabbing a picture of Toothless… just, TOOTHLESS HUNTED ANGST XD XD 

Tenth: Then of course, he had to go and do it, Toothless HAD TO GO AND BE ADORABLE! I kept yelling "STAHP!" at him when he was rolling in the snow or looking cutely at Dagur when he got discombobulated! I liked that he could sort of stand up against the Skrill, but you can see that the dragon clearly kept Toothless on the ropes during their battles! Nice that Toothless outsmarted him in the end, and it was a pretty clever trick, so I don't think it made the Skrill look unintelligent. Then, good ol' Toothy went and was snarky to his fallen foe! What a stinker XD Ah, I love that dragon! 

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