
Friday, February 7, 2014

These faces!!

what did I just eat?
About to sneeze
Veggie broth?
Oh that's bad.
Seriously, that's bad.
That veggie stuff made me feel bad enough too...

I can't get over these two expressions! Seriously, how great is this dragon even when he's uncomfortable?! The episode Eel Effect gave us a good long look at poor Toothless being extremely sick, but not just sick, panic stricken and very dangerous. Although it made me sad to see him hurting, it did give us some gloriously expressive faces that we don't get to see very often. This kind of nervousness, discomfort, and grossed-out-ness are not things we get to see all the time. I loved this episode, and I can think of a ton of ways to use the images in messages (as a dragon equivalent of an emoticon!). Wow, that "about-to-sneeze" look is great, but he was moving too fast to get an image without motion blur. Anyway, love these.

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