
Thursday, February 20, 2014

Toothless Yawns

So, weeks and weeks ago school started, and  on my first day in biology class I doodled a little picture of Toothless yawning up near the title of my notebook. Well... a couple of days later I flipped back to it (accidentally... I had forgotten it was there!), and it seemed really, really cute. I'm always trying to find new positions to draw Toothless in (because he really is gorgeous from just about ever angle), and I decided to turn that little doodle into a digital painting. So, the painting is above, and the doodle is below. 

Haha, so I wrote in the "D'awwwwwwww!!" when I came across it the second time in my notes! I love doodling in my books when classes are waiting to start, and sometimes I really like the ideas that come to me. I didn't have anything to do this afternoon (aside from study for a chemistry exam, finish biology assignments, and then wrap it all up with way, way too much trig), so I decided I would try and use my time well and make a painting. I tried hard to do something I don't think I've done in any of my others (because of laziness when I drew them), and that is to include the beautiful and faint mottling on Toothless's sides and wings. Then of course his pink tongue is super cute. I suppose this can count as another of my silly tongue/licky posts. I just love how starkly his pink mouth stands out against his black hide. His eyes and mouth do that, really pop because of how brilliant their colors are against the deep black of Toothless's skin. Anyway, I had lots of fun with this. I've been doing a lot of cute Toothless recently... maybe I'll do another angry/aggressive/attitude/snarly Toothless sometime in the near future. But, as of now, I'm happy to have him being innocently charming and wonderful!

As usual the image is larger if you open it in a new tab or window, and I would love any comments or advice any of you might have. I'm still trying to nail down a style of digital painting that I work well with... it's tricky!

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