
Saturday, March 22, 2014

Obliged to like HTTYD2 no matter what?

Recently someone told me, "You will like the second How To Train Your Dragon, you will like it no matter what. Even if it is not good, you will like it out of principle because it is How To Train Your Dragon, and you've been waiting for years."

So, is this person right? In a way, yes, but also very much no. To be honest, if I was to do anything out of principle, if I was to be obliged to do anything concerning the second film I would actually critique it. Yes, believe it or not, as a massive fan of HTTYD as a film and a story, I would probably feel tempted to criticize the second film for every single way it didn't live up to the first one. That's what I feel often about RoB and DoB, BUT there is a deeper reason I kinda was miffed by the series at times, and it is the actual reason that I will probably like the second movie no matter what.

I will not like the second movie because it is a second HTTYD. I won't like it because I think of myself as an HTTYD fan and therefore I must enjoy it. No, I will enjoy the second HTTYD because I love, love, LOVE the characters. It is that simple. The person who pretty much said I was obliged to like it simply couldn't get that. It's not that this is a second film, it's that Hiccup and Toothless are finally back. I believe so, so much that both of them will remain completely in-character throughout the entire second movie, and that excites me so much! It will be like finally seeing two great friends again. Sure, the story may or may not be as good, the themes may or may not be done as well, the plot may or may not feel as gloriously paced, BUT it is still Hiccup and Toothless. So, unless they are out of character (Odin forbid), I will love seeing them again!! I may not enjoy it as much as the first film, that's where the variables come in, but will I like it no matter what? Almost certainly yes! That's like asking whether or not I will be happy to hang around my best friends. Some days, what they are doing might be less inspiring, less fun, less interesting, but they are still my friends. I've grown to love Hiccup and Toothless like that, grown to care about them, so in a way there is almost no way I would dislike this film. It may not be as good, but it will still be them, and I'll be hanging on to every beautiful or intense moment they have together. Don't get me wrong, I think the story looks excellent, the themes look marvelous, and so many other things that make me truly believe that this will be an incredible movie by any standard. It will be a great movie, but even if those things let me down a little, the only thing that could truly make me not like HTTYD would be Hiccup or Toothless OOC, and that just isn't going to happen. I've seen Dean, I've watched how he's crafting this, and I feel sure that when I watch that movie, the Hiccup and Toothless I love will steal my heart yet again. I will like this movie, and yes, almost no matter what!

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