
Thursday, April 3, 2014

Freshmen Year Toothless (line art)

Well, I've been wanting to do this piece for a while, and now I finally have! This is a picture of my dorm (mess and all), with me and Toothless both in the room. To be honest, I've got an an active imagination and have at times envisioned the dragon being near to me in times of stress, sadness, or boredom. So, I'm on the top bunk, and my roommate is blissfully either uninterested or ignorant of the dragon's presence in the room. I must admit drawing myself is hard, and I used several reference images. This is, obviously, a line art, but I am considering painting it. It will just depend on how much free time I have. Haha, if you haven't yet discovered what I look like... I suppose this drawing will give you a rough idea. Man, drawing "real" people alongside animated characters is hard. I keep learning that lesson each time I try to do this kind of crossover. I had to make sure to get Toothless as detailed as the rest of the room... but in the end I hope it works.

Anyway, yup, me and Toothless at college. While everyone else is stuck on Breaking Bad or Walking Dead, I'm happily dreaming up a beautiful, innocent, powerful, and loving dragon to keep me company. The joys of an imagination. Anyway, haha, this would be a total dream-come-true for me... and I bet I'm not the only one who wished they had a Toothless!

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