
Thursday, April 10, 2014


Alright, this will just be my first trailer analysis thingy! Not sure how many I'll have time for! Ok, when I first watched the trailer, this bit literally made me burst into tears. It was so shockingly heartwarming. It really was. I was not expecting anything like it. Then, I watched the trailer over, and I cried even more than I had the first time! It's an incredibly beautiful scene, and I'll explain why I think so in just a moment. Haha, then after seeing the trailer for the first time, I walked out of the college building I was in and sprinted around it just to try and, and don't know, get some energy out! It was unbelievably exhilarating!

Ok, but this moment... man. We still don't know why Valka stayed away, but she did. I love how in the trailer Hiccup tells his dad that he needs to show him something, and then you see Stoick in that cold, blue room. Valka seems sure of what Stoick will say.

 "I know what you are going to say."

And didn't we all think we did too? I mean, Stoick is a man who is capable of wielding a temper, of feeling betrayed. We see that in the first film. Stoick is a man who knows he is in charge, who still uses his authority to tell Hiccup what to do. He's a man who has power, rights, and authority. In the first film, this almost makes him a minor antagonist.

"You're as beautiful as the day I lost you."

AND WHAM! That is amazing, and it is absolutely in character. Yes, Stoick is rough, boisterous, and maybe even a bit proud on his exterior, but even in the first film we see that this man, though sometimes he struggles to display it, has the most loving heart. He truly does. It crushes him when Hiccup betrays his trust in film one, and when he thought he had lost the boy, the mighty Viking chief stooped in utter despair. Almost everything he did in film one was done trying to keep Hiccup safe. He's unquestionably a loving father... and a loving husband! He kept Valka's armor and wore it as a helmet, he missed her, he thought she was dead. That man, you can see a tenderness about him when he mentions her. So... when he finds her still alive, which is stronger? His stung pride that rightfully wishes to accuse the woman who abandoned him to raise their child alone, or his deep, heartfelt love for her that breaks this man's eyes into wells of longing and his voice into words of gold. Obviosly it was the latter. I think that is beautifully in character, just beautiful. I so love Stoick as a character, I loved him in the first one, and he honestly looks like he will have just as significant a role in this story.

Ahem, now I could post about the fact that it's not just Stoick and Valka who are reuniting, but I'll save that for a later post! I feel I should just leave this one be, not clutter it, and look at a man who is such a beautiful display of what it means to love.

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