
Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Happy Birthday Toothlesslove!

So, this is my birthday gift for the amazing HTTYD fan and one of my best friends, Toothlesslove. She had asked for something with Love as the theme, and I felt that with both movies put together, HTTYD has really displayed some really beautiful truths concerning love. So, I tried to grasp that by doing a lot of images. I don't know how well I did... this art style is very new for me. I tried to make it look like water color, so there is a lot less emphasis on the details and more weight given to light and form.  It really is hard to do! I went with very simple font, and then I made each circular image grow as the set of images goes along. I was surprised to find out how difficult it was to paint this way. So, I hope she likes it, and I hope you enjoy it too.

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