
Friday, August 1, 2014

DWPress: Dragons (Chapter 1 Review)

Below the "read more" are screenshots from the new HTTYD app: DreamWorks Press: DRAGONS. Now, I do not include all the screenshots I took because that would be rotten of me to put all the info from the story up onto the blog when it is a book that is being sold. So, I'm just gonna post about half of them and tell you how the app appears to work and what I think of it.

You are the main character of the story, and apparently you have lost your memory... which is interesting. The art work in this is actually pretty nice. Most of it is animated, so it moves slightly, and there are lots of effects. For instance bubbles emerge on the screen during this frame as if you are shouting out underwater. When you begin the story, you may choose whether to be a boy or girl, and you may choose what level of reading difficultly you want. You may also choose whether or not you want the story narrated to you. The voice that reads it is good, in fact it happens to be one of the voice actors from the first film (a random Viking, but a Viking nonetheless!). I chose to turn that off using the settings button.

The effects and art for the game are pretty good. It's actually more immersive than I expected. As you keep taking to get yourself higher, this big eerie shadow passes in front of you. The game also has music from the soundtracks in it, and during this whole underwater scene the track The Dragon Book was used to create an appropriately eerie atmosphere. It's a strange blend of art, animation, writing, and music, but so far I am at least enjoying it.

Ooooooh! Now that symbol on your boat is one of the nationalities seen in Drago's armies! So, I am now curious to see what comes of this. I don't know if this story comes before or after the second movie... but I hope it isn't ambiguous about it because SO MUCH happened in HTTYD2... it would feel kinda silly to have a plot where we couldn't tell when it happened! Oh, and right as you break to the surface the illustrations animate themselves in a really bright, bubbly, splash and the music is fittingly beautiful and triumphant (actually a bit from Stoick's Ship...but it sounded great here).

And suddenly the music goes all creepy again and a Seashocker approaches. It was a nice dash of peril, and I actually got concerned for my character! That surprised me! The medium must work a little well because as soon as the fins broke the surface I was saying (out loud), "Oh no! I'm about to get eaten by a Seashocker!!" Anyway, that was fun.

So, Toothless and Hiccup show up. They are drawn pretty well. Actually, if I could didgital paint as well as some of these illustrations. I'd be really happy! Toothless's wings beat and his eyes blink... and he blinked when I tried to take a picture. Typical. Oh well, he looks great even with his eyes shut.

YAY! In a story I'm meeting Hiccup and Toothless (heart stops for joy!). Heheh, if I couldn't be Hiccup (because I'd never want to take Toothless from Hiccup no matter how much I love him), I'd certainly love to meet him! Again, the music is good and the characters move a little bit and blink occasionally.

Really just took this shot so as to display Toothless's head. They even got his new nubs right! Good for them.

So, apparently I've saved a baby dragon... or at least I have an egg in my clutches when I wake up in the water. Maybe I stole it... who knows? But, I do like Toothless's face here! Dawww'. He's precious. I'd love to paint like that.

After each chapter, your character writes a journal entry. It's a nice touch. Overall I'm pleased with my buy. Unless something HUGE happens in this story, I'm not gonna post more about it because I don't want to give a story that DreamWorks is selling away for free... and the story is much more fun to experience with the moving illustrations and music. At one point, when Toothless shoots a blast into the water, my iPhone even vibrated pretty violently. There are sound effects to go along with the music, so we get a nice dose of Toothless gurgles if I remember correctly. So, anyway, the medium was a weird mixture of book, painting, animation, and music, but I think it works well. It may be gauged to kids a little younger than most of my readers, but I'm enjoying it. It's a nice, simple, pleasant thing to sit down to. After the DRAMA and FEELS of HTTYD2, it is a little nice to have a calmer plot I suppose!

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