
Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Some of my favorite tee shirt entries!

I am really stunned by some of the artistic talent that has been displayed by the welovefine tee shirt contest. I'm gonna post some of them here (they are, sadly, not full sized images), and just tell you why I'd be thrilled to where each one of these as a shirt!

These two shirts seemed to be designed so that two buddies can each have one. One lucky person would get Toothless, the other Hiccup. I certainly would buy it in the light blue. The biggest thing about this that I love is... it really looks like a Doctor Who parallel! How cool is that! I am, to a degree, a Doctor Who fan, and this is just perfect. The normal catch phrase of the Doctor is, "Trust me, I'm the Doctor". He also has, interestingly, two hearts! So, I think this might be a subtle stab at Whovians, and even if it isn't, it is SO COOL. I just love the idea of Hiccup and Toothless being two hearts that beat together as one soul. Really amazing design. This one is probably the one that I'd like to wear the most just because of what it says... because it would let us HTTYD fans proudly proclaim to the world that we are that funny group of people who know how to handle the dragons when they show up!

This was one of the first designs I saw that I actually liked. The art style is really pretty... I don't know what kind of medium it is supposed to look like, but it is really eye catching. I think my favorite thing is that many shirts focused on these two being chief/alpha and on Hiccup having the heart of a chief and the soul of a dragon, but not all that many of them did it in a way that wasn't distracting. I think this one does a great job of using a strong image and beautiful style to convey the idea of Hiccup and Toothless both being leader and protecting one another.

I just think this art style is cute!! They don't look movie accurate, but they look *professionally* stylized! And I like that. I'm all for movie accuracy... you will probably never catch me changing details intentionally, so when I see a Hiccup or Toothless who don't look accurate, usually they turn me off, but THIS artist really used their style and skill to create a style that harkens back to the movie characters while also making them look really unique and fresh. It's a really well crafted image, and I would be thrilled if I could have pulled something off like it!

THE STYLE!!!! Man, this looks absolutely professional! It looks nothing like the work of an inexperienced fan. I wouldn't be at all surprised if this wound up on a shirt. The artist made something so unique, so smooth and clean, it really is perfect tee shirt material. It is not just great art, it is great design. Unlike a lot of pictures which look like they were crafted to be paintings (mine included), this one displays that the artist knew he/she was designing a graphic tee... and their knowledge paid off! The only minor gripe could be that Hiccup and Toothless never dawn their racing paint in the film, but I am pretty sure they will in the upcoming short, so we should be fine!

And here is an example of someone who had the same idea as me... but probably did it better. They handled the perspective well... and unlike me they allowed us to see Toothless's epic back spikes! The ice is not movie accurate, but it looks great as it is! The wings held out as they are makes Toothless look really imposing. I love the fury of that dragon, so even though this tee doesn't appeal to all the fans who love Toothless for his cuteness, I LOVE it. I'd be happy if this design won out over mine.

This tee, like the dragon racing paint tee, displays that the artist really knew they were designing a tee shirt. It is so crisp and smooth and perfect and professional. I love how it includes all the dragons we have seen so far, and certain ones (like Grump and the Skrill and the Red Death) are so cute and artsy I could just die! It is a gorgeous shirt with incredible color and a really wide array of dragons on display. I love the style here... and out of all the designs this one is really eye catching because of the color and complexity. The only tiny complaint I might have is that Toothless isn't really all that cute in this... his big eyes would have looked better in my opinion, BUT I think this artist probably knew what he/she was doing better than me, so Kudos to them for making such a fantastic shirt!

Gah! Love the grunge! This is kind of shirt looks much more teen/young adult than most, so that kind of art appeals to me because I could wear it at college and Toothless would look every bit as adult and epic as he should!! Even the fact that it is off center is a nice stylistic touch. Anyway, Toothless here is so serious, so epic, and it really makes him look every bit as majestic and mysteriously terrifying as he is. It is the only design I can think of that captures Dark/Serious Toothless. I'm not positive it is the only one, but it is certainly one of my favorites.

Ok, I had to feature this... because it is SO original and FUNNY! It hardly has anything to do with HTTYD2, but it is so perfectly creative, I just love it. It actually makes the big white Bewilderbeast look really fun to be around!

I just really liked this one because Toothless was mostly anatomically accurate. His spines shouldn't go all the way up his neck, but this art handled his head shape, eye color, and spine glow really well. I also think the fire has a neat look to it. Very cool image.

I don't know if I'd like to wear this, but the line art is STUNNING. Eret is a neat and new character, and I like how this celebrated his kind of rough and sometimes bullying streak.  A professional dragon trapper... he was just lucky to have gotten away with his life when he tried to take Toothless! I've done line arts myself... so I know just how tricky they can be and how fun it is to add the detail... and I hope this artist had fun doing this one because it is AWESOME.

Just loved the movement, color and style of this one. It celebrates Valka while still keeping Hiccup and Toothless in the picture, so it is a very balanced and beautiful shirt. Man, it has so much charm!

Great use of colors. Really makes the dragons of HTTYD look mature... almost creepy! I kinda like how it celebrates the variety and also the reptilian-ness of dragons. Yeah, this design is very cool. 

Would you just look at Toothless here! He is AMAZING. Just flat out incredible... especially his head. But then you add the movement of the curl and the fire sword... and suddenly this painting comes alive. Man, I want this as a shirt, and if can't have it as that, could somebody print me a poster?! Because this makes both Hiccup and Toothless look incredible! Man, I wish I could get pointers from this painter on how to draw a Night Fury!

Daw', now this one is just to precious to not include! Look at how charming they both are, and it feels just like something they would do!

I love the entirety of this design. The ice, the fire, the lighting, but especially Toothless. He looks very muscular and powerful, and considering this shirt celebrates his rise to the role of Alpha, that power and ferocity and strength all seem very, very appropriate!!

Neat use of color and contrast here. Hiccup looks epic, and Valka does too! I just wish it had Toothless, but I wouldn't want to clutter this well thought out design. Man, who would have thought the use of complimentary orange and blue would come out looking so nice and distinct!

The art style... just... the art style. It's beautiful. Ha, I could get teary! Man, this one might be my favorite when it comes to the kind of paining it is. I don't know how well it goes onto a shirt, but this artist made Toothless look beautiful...and beautiful he is. 

Nice anatomy (except the spikes on the neck XP). I love how this artist made Toothless look fierce without making him look cruel or sinister. I don't think I managed that. So, yeah, I'm digging this Toothless!

This is a really great parallel! It is based off of the original Star Wars posters, and it is such a creative idea (especially since Dean took inspiration from Star Wars V). A great friend of mine (Inhonoredglory), made this shirt, and I'm really excited by it! I actually saw it and started praising it and geeking out before I realized it was her work! Toothless is nicely anatomical too... so I always like that! This one and the Doctor one at the top appeal to me because they kinda mix nerdy fandoms together while making HTTYD look like it can stand shoulder to shoulder with them! Anyway, great job Glory!

And I'm just a sucker for a cute Toothless smile... look at that guy's tongue and eyes! He's so adorable!

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