
Thursday, September 4, 2014

Princess of Twilight meets The Fury of Night

So, this is one of my more hair brained, off the wall ideas, but I did a rather silly (hopefully somewhat charming) digital painting just recently! The idea came to me just three days ago, so I'm surprised I finished it so quickly. To see the entire image and read a description of how and why I painted it, please click the "read more".

So... MEGA TOOTHLESS BONUS POINTS to any of my readers who played the Legend of Zelda game Twilight Princess. I played through it for the first time over the Labor Day weekend, and the story line was incredible. I really, really wound up loving it to bits. And I think the main draw was the development between Midna and Link. They wind up growing to be incredibly close, selfless friends, and the transformation of Midna from being completely sarcastic, slightly sardonic, and self centered into a (still charmingly snarky!) selfless and heroic heroine was just flat out awesome! I don't know why I liked her so much, but that was probably part of it.

Anyway, the picture above has Midna meeting Toothless! I think one reason I liked Midna is because she reminded me ever so slightly of Toothless (bear with me... I know it is a stretch). She was very intelligent, very powerful, mysterious and secretive, but at the same time she was kinda cute, very snarky, and almost playful at times. Also, her and Toothless are both sort of... shadowy characters, and they wind up coming out of the shadows because of friendships they make (and conflicts they must resolve). Midna and Link become allies because she and Link need each other... kinda like why Toothless (at first) flies with Hiccup. But, by the end of the story, Midna has been changed so much by Link's friendship that she sacrifices herself to save Zelda and Link from Ganondorf (who she takes on single handedly LIKE A BOSS). Thankfully, she doesn't die, but I did just completely fall for her by that point. I just like powerful, mysterious characters (almost especially when they act human but are not quite), and what I like even more is friendship stories. That is why HTTYD is the epitome of stories for me, and that is also why I love LotR, and it is why I got really immersed in the story of Twilight Princess.

Since the characters reminded me of each other, I thought it would be cute to draw Toothless and Midna together. I imagine, after Toothless's initial shock and curiosity, that the two of them would get along very well together. Haha, of course Midna would totally freak Toothless out if she used the Fuse Shadows. Anyway, she is very playful (she rides Link when he has been transformed into a wolf), and so I imagine she'd enjoy stroking Toothless (who is soooooo much prettier and more fun than a wolf). Anyway, it was just a weird out of cannon idea I had. Plus it was fun to paint. I tried to use shell shading (and I apologize because I think I sort of failed). Lots of Legend of Zelda games have shell shading, so I felt it would be quick and look nice. The orange background is inspired by the twilight lighting conditions often seen in the game. I imagine Midna is close to the correct size next to Toothless... she isn't very big (and Toothless is! Especially when you realize HTTYD2 hiccup is 6'2").

I also saved the line art.

Well, I hope this is at least interesting! It is kind of fresh for my blog. Ha, I imagine LoZ fans might be thinking "Why did you even put Toothless in there?" My counter question is "Why not put Toothless in every painting?!" He is just the funnest subject matter, so I can promise you I'll be doing more paintings of beautiful Toothless in the future. Anyway, hope you enjoy this. I imagine any Twilight Princess fans would like it.

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