
Wednesday, December 31, 2014

A year past, and a year ahead

Well, this has been a really special year, hasn't it? I'd just like to make a quick post looking back over all I have to be thankful for, and then maybe take a quick glance ahead into 2015 and beyond.

Sunday, December 28, 2014

So Many Snarky Heroes

This is my birthday gift to Inhonoredglory (a great friend of mine who has written a fantastic web-novel and occasionally runs one of the best Tumblr blogs out there). I gave it to her on her actual bday which was the 26th, but I didn't want to post it here until she had seen it. If you click the "read more, you'll get to see the whole painting. It is a new style for me... as well as some unfamiliar subject matter!

Thursday, December 25, 2014

Merry Christmas, and a Happy Snoggeltog!

So, Christmas is here! I got some really nice stuff (and yes, I'm posting this very early on Christmas day)! Anyway, I wanted to make an art piece for the holiday, and I may still make a winter oriented HTTYD art-piece, but I left part of my digital art kit back at home (the pen of all things), and I am currently at my grandparents'. Anyway, I just wanted to wish you all a very happy Christmas. It is a wonderful holiday and it is a beautiful opportunity to remember the birth of Jesus Christ and how His life has completely changed our world.

I suppose I should tell you all the fun HTTYD related presents I got this year. There were not a ton (because I buy most all of the HTTYD stuff I see on my own!). I got a Toothless Tee shirt... in which Toothless's silhouette looks a whole lot like the Batman symbol! That is really cool and fun to wear around the house. I also got an HTTYD2 comforter! I would never have bought myself an HTTYD blanket, but now that someone got it for me (haha, my MOM!) I am really loving it! I was really pretty surprised!

Sometime today I'll watch Gift Of The Night Fury, and I hope you will all have an incredible day. I actually think some of my online friends may be sending me Christmas gifts. Those will be HTTYD stuff... probably. I won't be home until late on the 26th though, so I may not post about that stuff.

As a heads up on other things, I have at least one analysis planned out to write, the rough draft of the next Chronicle done, and even most of what I need to finish a HTTYD music video. I also have a bday present to finish for an extremely special friend, but I'll need to get back home to my digital art supplies before that can happen...

Again, I do hope you will have a merry Christmas and a happy Snoggeltog.

Thursday, December 18, 2014

Toothless in the Red Rage (photo set)

So this is a collection of screen caps that focus on Toothless during the Red Rage scene... not on the humans (though that is an amazingly emotional display... which is why I did not do it).

Homecoming Hero

WARNING: The following story is certainly rated PG-13 or worse due to intense scenes of action and violence, disturbing images, and a sequence of torture. I don't glorify violence nor do I like it, but be warned that this chronicle is more intense than most of the others.

Alright! I know it has been a LONG time since I posted a Chronicle, but there is a reason. This one is very dark. Very, very dark. Possibly the darkest one yet, and when I do that, I want to be careful to keep it balanced. I don't want violence to be glorified or taken lightly. So, if you wish to read on, just be warned that things get rather grizzly. It will get less depressing in the near future, but I do just have to let you know that this is a real low point. The chronicle is about thirteen pages in length.

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Together We Map The World (photo set)

I've finally gotten HTTYD2 in a format that allows me to take screenshots. I decided just to grab a few nice images off of the Together We Map The World scene. As of now, I am planning on taking many more screen shots of other moments, but if any of you would like images of particular scenes, I would be happy to make posts of them for you! Hope you like these. The details and animation in this film are breathtaking. Click the "read more".

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Finals WEEK

So, life is freakishly busy and stressful now that I'm in finals week, but I've got some gifs to share my feelings with. Here's the range of emotions one travails through in the last week of collage.

Friday, December 5, 2014

Big Hero 6 and HTTYD

First off, please note that the artwork is not mine! I just came across it on the Grapevine. However, the artist noticed something that I am sure a lot of the rest of us probably picked up. Big Hero 6 and HTTYD have quite a lot in common. Maybe too much? Well, I guess you'll have to read on as to whether I think this should be considered two beautiful films... or whether I think it should be seen as a versus throw down!

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Drawing near the end... and still doodling!

My school semester is quickly drawing towards a close! I've been tremendously busy, but not so busy that I couldn't do the occasional doodle! I hope you enjoy them. Sorry for my recent lack of posts. Oh, and I have a Dsplash Chronicle nearly finished. I'll post that when I get done with it.


Hey all! I want to apologize for being completely absent of late. I had planned a lot of posts, and I had even thought up an idea for something to do on Thanksgiving, BUT I too my computer in for repairs, and they held it for three times longer than they said they would. I do love running this blog and I want to thank everyone who comments. Hopefully tomorrow I will post a set of all the doodles I'v done lately. I have a lot, actually! I have been extremely busy with school as well, so that has kept me from being as active. Anyway, main reason you haven't heard from me is that I didn't have a computer! Hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving, and I'll be posting more about our amazing HTTYD very soon!