
Saturday, March 28, 2015

Digital painting: Mabel meets Toothless!

I got the time to do a quick digital painting today! I had the idea while Justoffravenpoint visited me this spring break, and now I have gotten the idea down into a digital format! It isn't a particularly fancy painting, but I hope it is entertaining! Any fans of Gravity Falls will hopefully appreciate it!

Haha, so this is what I assume the character from Gravity Falls named Mabel would do if she ever met Toothless. Honestly, I don't know if my reaction would be any different! When Justoffravenpoint was here, we pretty much had a marathon through the entire list of Gravity Falls episodes that have been released. I like the show (Dipper reminds me somewhat of Hiccup... what with his dorkiness and noodle arms), and I so I thought it would be fun to make a little crossover piece. If any of you know Mabel, you'll understand how in character this action would be! She's a spastic, joy filled character who is always expressing herself in the most hilarious ways. Toothless's expression is almost one of shock/confusion. Sure, he's had hugs before, but not by anyone as forward as Mabel!

I preserved the line art. I usually try to do this while doing a painting. I tried to make the style and coloring somewhat match the 2D animation style used in Gravity Falls... but at the same time part of me would just NOT get Toothless's anatomy wrong. Oh well, it still looks pretty nice I think. Below is a gif of Mabel from the title sequence of the show. I tried to be fairly accurate to her :)

Haha, and while we were watching it together, I noted to Justoffravenpoint that I was sure people who like HTTYD would also like Gravity Falls. When she got home, she sent an art piece she had come across, and I suppose it proved my statement to be correct!

Haha, probably not the best idea to post this! Sharpie is a much better artist than me! She has won both Welovefine HTTYD tee shirt contests! Ah well, it is a fun piece, and if it shoes mine up, that's ok! Hopefully she won't mind me sharing it...

Midna and Toothless? Check. The Doctor and Toothless? Check. Mabel and Toothless? Check! I wonder which crossover I'll wind up doing next :)

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