
Thursday, December 10, 2015

Hello blog! Hello internet!

Well first off it has been WAAAAAAAAAAAAY too long since I have posted! I have a legit excuse: final exams. However, I just finished those (and got the grades I was hoping for. Yay!), so now I can finally get back to blogging. How's everyone been?

Ok, I can say I've gotten about four pages finished in my next Dimension Splash Chronicle, so I might be able to post that before too long. I also still have plenty of RttE episodes I could review (and new ones coming out January 8th). I even read the newest (and last) HTTYD book! I even have an idea for some fan art. So, the question becomes, what would you guys like for me to do? I don't know how much time I'll get to blog during the holidays, but I do want to get some posts out. What would you like to see most? (ps. if you ask for fan art, I may wind up doing an HTTYD/Pokemon crossover. I know it's been done before, but I would like to do one).

So, let me know your thoughts! Again, sorry I've been gone so long! It's good to be back.

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