
Friday, December 25, 2015

Merry Christmas, and Happy Snoggletog!

Well, it's a very wonderful time of the year again! I hope you have all had a very merry Christmas and a happy Snoggeltog! I will certainly be watching GotNF later today, but I thought I would blog and show you guys the few presents I got that were fandom-y. I love them and are super thankful. Click the "read more" to see what I got.

First off, I got this AMAZING tee from Welovefine. I really have wanted a shirt with Toothless's new tail fin symbol for a long time, but this one takes the cake. Aside from being a cool symbol that both Hiccup and Toothless share, and being my only red fandom shirt, it also is really artistically done. The way it uses a mountainous landscape and a reflective body of water to create the iconic shape is fabulous. My parents bought it for me, and I'll certainly be putting it to good use. I love shirts that just have symbols from films or books. That way it is vague enough to avoid teasing if people think what you like is dumb (boy, haters gonna hate), but if people do like the the shows you like, they recognize it instantly.

Isn't this cool? Can any of you recognize what this cap is from? If you said Gravity Falls, you are right! A friend of mine from my school gave me this cap in a gift exchange. Haha, I think Toothless looks quite good in it :) I've worn it around some, and quite a few people have said I look like Dipper (and I can totally dig that).

This tee shirt isn't exactly from HTTYD, but I still really love it. My brother got it for me. It is the Eon Duo from the Pokemon franchise. These two dragon/psychic types are some of my all time favorites to use. Latias (the one with yellow eyes) was the first legendary Pokemon I ever caught, and I've used her frequently ever since. Also, funnily enough, I nicknamed her "Toothless" when I first caught her. Can't have a dragon without it being Toothless, right?

And what could be better to get for Christmas than a Hiccup and Toothless Christmas ornament? I can almost guarantee that this little masterpiece will not be packed up with the rest of the ornaments. I don't know where I will put it when it isn't on the tree, but I can think of several good places. It is really, really well made. It's not huge, it can easily rest in your hand, but it is very detailed for it's size and also very movie accurate. My parents got me this as well, and I really didn't expect to get it. So, that was very nice!

I got several other things, but probably not worth showing pictures of. I got new shoes, a scarf, some dress shirts, (money), Pokemon Mystery Dungeon, an Ike amiibo, lots of Christian books, a big comfortable chair to place in my room, and I am pretty sure my roommate from college has gotten me something as well! I'm very thankful to each person who kindly thought of me and got me something. I'm lucky to have such great friends and such a loving family.

I do hope everyone will remember what this holiday is about. Haha, I imagine back when the disciples of Christ were writing the Gospels, hunted and hated by many people, maybe they never imagined that people all over the world (2000 years later!) would be coming together at the end of each year to celebrate the birth of Christ. It really is something worth stopping to think about. I know I would not be the same person at all if it were not for Christ, and I am so thankful to be His. 

I hope all of you have had a great Christmas! If I'm lucky, I'll have a small art piece to post tomorrow. Did any of you get any fun gifts? If you'd like to share them in the comments section, that would be awesome. Merry Christmas, and happy Snoggletog!

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