
Tuesday, September 20, 2016

I'm 22... that's past the average Viking Life expectancy!

So, today was my birthday. I'm really thankful for all the kindness I've received over the last year as well as today! I am going to write a quick post about all the gifts that were fandomy that I got today. Hopeful it will be interesting for you! If I receive any more, I will update the post, but this is what I've been given so far.

Well, to start, the earliest gifts I received were from my roommate. He gave me a small gift every day for the eight days before my birthday. Ha, if you want to take a guess at what sodas, cookies, and restaurants I often eat, the above gifts should be pretty clear hints :)

The big present at the end of the journey was this amazing graphic tee. It's a T-Rex... on a tee shirt... enjoying English tea (which I love). So, what could be better? It has dinosaurs (ha, and if any of you read my post on JW, you will remember that I do love those prehistoric creatures), English tea, and a pun! Pretty much an all around great gift. My roommate really is way nicer to me than I deserve!

The first gift I actually received on my birthday, was this piece of art created by Toothlesslove and Inhonoredglory. I was beaming when I got their mail, opened it, and found this. Earlier this summer, we had all discussed how the classic Pokemon games (which I play, and really enjoy). I had told them that I named quite a few of the Pokemon I used after HTTYD dragons... and that my trainer's name was always Hiccup no matter what game I was playing. This drawing is a kind of PokeToothless! I can see that he has taken some inspiration from Latias... who happens to be one of my all time favorite Pokemon. The design is so, so NEAT. If someone would have asked me how I would have put Toothless into a Pokemon format, I would have thought of making his head way bigger and giving him even more notably cutesy eyes. Instead, I really love what they did. They didn't make him look like a cute, cuddly (ahem, worthless) Pokemon like Pikachu. They made him look like an Uber tier, competative Pokemon that would totally. rip. through. anything. Ha, they mentioned wanting to give him some stats, but they said I would probably do that better. So, here's my guess at what he should have: 

Night Fury:
Type: Dragon/Fire
HP: 90
Attack: 85
Defense: 80
Sp Attack: 155
Sp Defense: 85
Speed: 155

Ability: Adaptability

So, that's my (probably biased) idea of what his stats should be. Again, I am soooooo thankful for all the time and creativity that was put into this image. It combines two of my absolute favorite things, and it makes Toothless look totally boss as a pokemon. I was beaming from ear to ear when I got this this morning, and I am still just so thrilled by it. Oh, and just for the record, my little brother was also very impressed with it! 

As I mentioned before, Latias is one of my favorite Pokemon. It turns out (lucky for me) that Pokemon just recently released a line of Eon Duo oriented merchandise. I wasn't aware this shirt even existed until a few days ago, but my parents had already found it and purchased it for me. I love the design, and I'm really thankful for the gift. They also are giving me some new tires on my car and a couple devotional books which I am really looking forward to reading.

To match my shirt, my brother also bought me this Eon Duo mug. I do just love the fact that Latias and Latios have gotten some well done designs placed onto merchandise. There is a TON of Pokemon products that you can buy these days (especially after Pokemon Go came out), but it mostly features Eevee, Pikachu, and Starter Pokemon. As much as I like starter Pokemon, I never actually use them in competitive play. I actually use mostly dragon-types... but there are not very many good products featuring them. This Eon Edge line of products totally fixed that problem, so now I can finally wear some stuff with dragon-type Pokemon featured.

And finally, my brother got me this AMAZING replica of the Journal 3 from Gravity Falls. If you haven't seen the series you should. This book was just dying to be made into a hard copy for fans to actually own. It is so, so accurate to what we see in the series, and I just love the fact that it exists. I really do appreciate my younger brother for picking it out and giving it to me.

So, thanks so, so much to everyone who gave me gifts this year. I can't express how lucky I am to have the friends and family that I do. Hopefully this post hasn't been too tedious for any of my readers who still check the blog... I admit I haven't been posting much lately. I do hope to post in the future, but I can't promise when I will get the time. Ha, you can be sure that once the next RTTE episodes air, I will begin to post on them. Anyway, thanks for reading, and thanks again to everyone who has shown me so much kindness over this past year. Just one more year... then I will be the age Hiccup is supposed to be in HTTYD3 (at least by what I have read)!

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