
Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Season four of RTTE is out now!

Ok, I have now finished watching the newest season! I did enjoy it, and I am considering doing another micro review of the entire season like what I did for season three. Here's the catch... I will be completely honest if I do make a review... and my opinion on certain developments may not match up with the vast majority of people who are enjoying the show. I don't want to come across as a hater or anything, but if you guys are interested in a review, please just pop me a comment to let me know :)

In other news, the reason I am so infrequent in my blog posts is because I am working (as a pizza delivery driver) and trying to finish up my last semester of college. I'm almost done! Man, delivering pizza would be so much more fun with a Night Fury...

I have also been strongly considering writing a completely original story. Not fan fiction, no borrowed characters, everything coming 100% from my own brain. It's pretty daunting, but I thought I'd toss the idea out to you guys. Haha, who knows... maybe one day I could actually get published and paid for writing stories! That would be nice.

Anyway, I'm going back and looking over the episodes now so as to get a good feel for them. Hope you all are having dragon-y good times :)

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