
Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Introducing: Dsplash DUELS

I'm gonna be honest, the Dsplash story is nearly over. I imagine I will have it finished in 5-6 more Chronicles. After my long break, I've finally gotten back into the groove of writing this story. However, I'm gonna say that I'm really attached to the world of Dsplash, and after years of tinkering with it, I'm sorta sad to be wrapping it up. That's why I've decided to do this (along with other potential Dsplash spin offs). This is a page in which I will take requests for duels between the most notable characters in Dsplash. Click the "read more" to see the details.

Monday, May 29, 2017

Artwork for the Chronicle: The Courage of Link Flashblade Haddock

The following artwork actually kinda contains spoilers about the new Chronicle, so if you haven't read it, I'd save the art until later. The spoilers are in no way major, but still. This is actually a sketch that I made over two years ago! Like... before HTTYD2. This was when I first came up with the plot of the Chronicle, so it is probably not 100% accurate to the events. Click the "read more" to see the full image.

The Courage of Link Flashblade Haddock

So, I know it took me AGES to actually write and publish this, but hopefully I've actually gotten enough steam to finally wrap up this story. I do love Dsplash, so I want it to have a fitting end, but I am just so short on free time, and these Chronicles take a lot of work and heart to compose. So, what I suppose I am saying is that I plan to finish the story out, but the Chronicles may (I'm not saying this for sure) start to hop around like they did at the beginning. We'll just have to wait and see what my schedule allows for.

So, as for the Chronicle itself, I'd advise re-reading the last one I published just to get a reminder of where we are in the story. Heck, if you'd like to read ones even further back, that would probably be good. This one is a MAJOR plot event, so be prepared. It was so hard to write this... because I knew it was one of my most defining plot moments, so I didn't want to mess it up. Hopefully it will have been worth the wait!

Sunday, May 28, 2017

Analysis Request for Oencie

I've mentioned before that I am more than happy to take requests for this blog, and just recently a user named Oencie asked me to do one. It concerns two techniques Toothless has used in the RttE series. Now, since this is a request, it means I may or may not have actually given much thought to this before I was asked about it, but I will do my best to give you guys a short analysis! If anyone wishes to add to what I come up with in the comments, that would be great. Now, onto the analysis!

Friday, May 19, 2017

Dsplash "Warriors"

So, I have made another music video! This one is a tribute to Dimension Splash, the long running rpg and web chronicle crafted primarily by me and my younger brother (Link). I actually had this video sitting around for a long time, but I never published it because I didn't have a YouTube account. I do now, and if you'd like to subscribe to my channel, that would be great! Feel free to comment on the blog or on YouTube. I do hope to continue writing my Dsplash Chronicles, and I have one that is almost finished right now. So, hope you enjoy it! Ha... unfortunately my editing skills are not really on par with most other video makers, but hopefully it will be fun all the same!

Monday, May 15, 2017

Speculation: Could a Human Become the Alpha...?

Ok, so I am going to go out on a limb here... because this entire speculation is already based on a running theory. A speculation based on a theory is pretty shaky, but it will be fun to play around with. Based on my theory of how and why the Alpha system works, is it possible for a human to become the Alpha?

Saturday, May 6, 2017

I just Graduated!

Well, it's finally here! I have now officially graduated with a Bachelors Degree in Biology! I plan to enter a PhD program this office, but for one small period of time, I am out of school! I may get the chance to blog a bit more frequently now! 

Special thanks to all my friends, family, and teachers who helped me along the way. You guys are the best!