
Friday, August 25, 2017

RttE: Dawn of Destruction

Hi all! We have a new season of RttE, and I've been working my way through it. Sorry for the lack of recent posts. I'm in grad school working in a PhD program. I'm also working on an original story, and I'd really like to see that get published in one medium or another once I've finished it. Between those two things, I'll probably be a little more absent. Sorry about that. However, I will certainly write a lot about the third movie when it comes out, and I'll try and keep up with the series as well. 

Speaking of that, I've watched up to the episode Dawn of Destruction, and I'm gonna give you my random stream of thoughts that I wrote down while watching the episode. They aren't organized into pros and cons, just random things I thought while seeing the episode for the first time. Feel free to let me know what you thought of this episode!