
Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Why it's a Good Thing for Toothless to be Scary

Well, it's Halloween again, so I've managed to crank down and actually get another post out! I was actually really hoping to do an art piece, but I just didn't have the time. Still, hopefully you'll find this analysis interesting. I hope to take a look at the darker, scarier side of the best dragon of all time and to then explain how that is one of the many elements that makes Toothless great. So, turn off your lights, and let's just dive right in.

Wednesday, October 18, 2017

How Strong Is Toothless?

Just when I think I might be growing up a little, the eight year old in me jumps up and starts making demands. I've always had this habit of comparing and contrasting characters on the basis of... well... how powerful they are! It's kinda silly and immature, but I have fun with it. Heck, it was one of the driving forces behind the creation of my old Dsplash role playing game. So, in this post, I want to try and break Toothless down and gauge just how powerful he is. Obviously he's not on tier with many protagonists from many series... or is he?

Saturday, October 7, 2017

Grad School Doodles

I know it isn't good art... but I thought I might as well show you guys a few of the doodles I've done in grad school! Now, I have done a LOT more than what I'm showing you, and unfortunately all of those are also probably better quality. The problem is that they are concept art doodles of my original story, and I'm not posting any of the details about that story online. So, here are the other doodles I've done. I hope you guys will enjoy them.

Monday, October 2, 2017

HTTYD vs LoZ Pokemon Showdown

Well, school is still crushing me under it's tyrannical boot (I feel like Hookfang vs Drago in HTTYD2!), so I haven't had much time to work on any creative projects for my blog. However, I have started playing a little bit of Pokemon online at Pokemon Showdown, a site published by smogon. It's pretty fun, and it allows me to do something with my little brother even if we are a living pretty far from one another. In this battle we both decided to make teams based on our favorites franchises! Mine was HTTYD, and he did Zelda. We didn't hold any bars on how competitive or strong our Pokemon were, we just wanted to be sure to pick ones that we felt represented our characters! Soooo... we had some super strong ones (Like Primal Groudon and Yveltal), and some that were pretty puny. It was a lot of fun to build the teams and to battle each other! So, if you'd like to see the replay, the video is posted above.

Hope you guys are having a good time. I've got to get back to studying!

(The artwork in the first image isn't mine. I wish it was! That Latios Toothless is awesome!)