
Wednesday, February 28, 2018

The Ultimate Dragon (Secret Odin Gift for Team Astrid)

Well, today was Secret Odin! I was partnered with Team Astrid, and I'm happy to report that she liked it! I'll give you some details about how I did the art piece below the "read more", and I'll also upload a version that doesn't have the Secret Odin message attached to it. 

Saturday, February 17, 2018

RttE Season 6 Thoughts

While watching the new season, I jotted down all my thoughts and opinions of the events as I first saw them. I'm gonna put all that here... so you could think of this post as my live reaction to the final season of the series!

Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Happy Single's Awareness Day! (Usertoothless's Favorite Ships)

So, it's that time of year again... a time where my dating friends all wind up spending tons of money, time, and thought to please and impress their significant other. I don't have that problem! So, I'm gonna steal a little time away from all of my lab work and actually post a list of my favorite couples from fiction. Some of these are more canon than others, but all of them are generally accepted in their fandoms, so I'm going for it!

Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Sketch Dump

I just wanted to drop some of the random sketches and doodles that I've made over the last week or two. Unfortunately, a few of them were for my potential original story... so I don't wanna post them online yet! But, I've got a couple of others. This top one is definitely my favorite, so that's why I'm showing it first! If you wanna see some others, just click the "read more".

Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Dragons: Race to the Edge | Season 6 Trailer

Well, looks like season 6 is right around the corner! This trailer dropped just recently, and in ten days we'll have the next season landing on Netflix! I'll give a little micro-review of what the trailer shows, but do be warned, if you haven't been watching the show, there are spoilers!