
Saturday, April 28, 2018

Avengers: Infinity War Review

Ok, so today I went to see Avengers: Infinity War in 3D! I really enjoyed myself, and I'm going to try and write up a review for it! I do have two warning before I begin. 1) This post will have SPOILERS, so if you haven't seen the movie, please do not continue reading. 2) I'm in no way a comic-book buff or Marvel guru. I've seen all the films, and I basically always enjoy them, but I've never been a hardcore fan, and thus my insight may be somewhat surface level. With that said, I'm excited to talk about my thoughts on this film!

Friday, April 27, 2018

Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood: Nendoroids!

Haha, with all the new HTTYD3 news and Avengers: Infinity War dropping on us this week, it feels weird to be excited about an anime that finished its run in 2010! The hype train for this series left the station waaaaaaay before I got on board! However, FMAB is a truly epic show, and even now it is getting some pretty neat merchandise! I'm going to review the two Nendoroids I bought. This is the first time I've ever purchased a Nendoroid figure, so it was a pretty novel experience!

Thursday, April 26, 2018

CinemaCon HTTYD3 News

So, we've had some news circulating around for a bit from the first footage shown of HTTYD3 (I know the title has changed to HTTYD: The Hidden World, but it is just easier to use the numeric title!)(also the art above is not mine). I've waited a few days to post on it because I wanted to be sure that what was being said was accurate. Apparently, we are getting a white Night Fury. This is quite an interesting development, so I'll discuss it below.

Wednesday, April 11, 2018

I got a record player!

For those who are wondering, I'm not dead yet! Ha, my lab work has eased up just a little, so I have had some time to do a little bit of nerdy stuff... So, I went and got myself a turntable! It's pretty fun, and I got some very nerdy vinyls to listen to on it! I'll go into more detail about them and show them under the read more.