
Wednesday, May 23, 2018

New Images of HTTYD3 Character Designs!

The hype train is leaving the station people! GET ON BOARD. So, the internet recently received a glorious set of photos of a large DreamWorks display showcasing the new look of the HTTYD cast. I'll post some of the images below and give my thoughts.

Ok, so the time has finally come. No more plot descriptions, no more tweets by people who have seen early screenings, no more whispers, no more rumors. We are actually getting to SEE HTTYD3 stuff! I am floored! Anyway, probably the biggest issue here is the scale-armor. I'm gonna make a whole post on it very soon, but I must say it threw me for a loop when I first saw it. It reminded much more of a dragon hunter than a dragon rider... but I think I have a pretty nifty justification for it. The characters look great. I'm not sure if I like Astrid's new hairstyle as much as what she was doing in HTTYD2, but I think the designs for Ruff and Tuff are looking great (Tuffnut is kinda hard to make out in the very last photo). Of course, a BIG reveal is that Fishlegs has an AWESOME mustache! I'm actually shocked by how much I like it. Reminds me a lot of Gobber. It certainly looks better than the fuzz he was boasting in the second film. I am happy that Hiccup doesn't have a beard (yet). I know a lot of people want it, but my favorite protagonists have never really been bearded, so I don't know if I'm ready for that on him quite yet. If we get to see an older Hiccup (thirties or forties) with a beard, I would totally be up for that. I do love how subtly the teens have matured. Hiccup looks just a little thicker and stronger, with slightly more scruff. Astrid's hair finally looks like that of a real blonde. I must say her new style is much more aggressive... and considering "The Serpent's Heir" seemed to hint at her having a very military role (maybe a general), I think it really fits her personality and development as a character. I should note that Astrid is not wearing armor in one of the shots, and I've seen a shot of Fishlegs without armor as well. I really like that... because in a movie a real-to-life oriented as the HTTYD series, I would hate to see the characters always sporting such flashy and epic gear. It feels much more genuine to have them don it when it is needed or useful. For instance, I love how little skin shows on Hiccup's new armor. Even his hands are fully covered. That seems awesome for firey battles, dangerous dragon-training, or blisteringly fast flights, but it also feels detached. Those hands have touched so many dragons, and I personally would be really happy to see him stroke Toothless without the gloves. It's such a minor thing, but it's something I wanna see.

So, yeah, GREAT stuff. I'm ecstatic! March can't come soon enough!

Ok, so I plan to do a post on the armor soon, so keep an eye out!

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