
Tuesday, June 5, 2018

New Images for HTTYD3!

I am losing my tiny little MIND. I've had to spend all day concealing my ballistic excitement as I worked in the lab and took a final exam, but now I'm finally gonna get to discuss these images! We have gotten several gorgeous shots of the third and final HTTYD story, so if you want to see my thoughts on them, click the "read more"

Well, both the first and second image certainly have some major couple feels for Hiccup and Astrid! I also do appreciate the nod to the television series with the Fire Worm dragons. I am really, really hoping we get some sweet moments between Hiccup and Astrid in this (fingers crossed for an actual wedding), and I'm not even a mega Hiccstrid fan! Seeing them older and together again really does hit me. These characters certainly have grown up right along with the rest of us! I also have to note how much I like the fact that the characters have multiple outfits. Wearing the big scaley armor all the time would be impractical. It wouldn't feel realistic, so it is nice to see the characters in more laid back outfits. It displays a lot of care and love on the animators' parts because rigging new outfits with new textures is not at all easy. 

Ah, these TWO! Gosh, I forget how much I adore Hiccup and Toothless until I look at shots like this. I do wonder what Hiccup is looking at. The sky looks so ominous yet beautiful. It's definitely going to be a visually stunning film. I'd love to ride on the back of that dragon through that murky sky. 

This is a really precious image. It looks like it may be the same location as the image of Hiccup and Astrid together. I do like Hiccup wearing that smithing apron... though I don't know why he would be. It is great to see him and Toothless so dynamically close even after having to lead as alpha and chief for the last two or three years. Toothless kinda looks like he is pleading. I wonder if Hiccup is busy. Ugh. I wonder if Hiccup is learning that adulting is hard just as I have been for the last year or so :)

Wow, these might be the money shots! The "Light Fury" (I suppose I'm gonna call her that... I don't know if it is canon or not) is certainly looking gorgeous. That first shot makes her look so mysterious. Her texture is brilliant. She is otherworldly, like some phantom moving gracefully through the fog. She also definitely has a fin down her back and on her arms, so I am gonna assume she can swim (at least swim better than Toothless). Daw' I like seeing him looking at her. Dean has said Toothless is gonna be kinda derpy and awkward when it comes to courting, which feels so hilariously fitting! Then, oooooooh, that last shot! She's like something straight out of Jurassic Park! I'd love to see her teeth... I am hoping she will feel both majestic and dangerous (like Toothless did/does!). Those intense eyes certainly don't appear to be friendly. I wonder how tense she will make the relationship between Hiccup and Toothless. After all, she may not be safe to approach! It's weird... but looking at her makes me so nostalgic. It reminds me of how much beauty and awe we experienced when we first met Toothless. She's mysterious, possibly dangerous, but also clearly intelligent and capable of love. She's the kind of creature that I would be afraid to come across, but if I did... I can't help but feel like I would want to approach her. That's something that made me love Toothless. There was the mixture of fear, awe, and hope. I wanted him to be real, even if I knew he could be frightening and dangerous. The graphics of HTTYD certainly do make you want to reach and touch these majestic animals! So, heck yeah I'm in love with our beluga-Night Fury ;)

Finally, we have Grimmel the Ghastly. We don't know much about this guy other than that he is clever and very confident and focused on what he does. What does he do? He hunts and kills Night Furies. MY WORD. I am gonna hate this guys guts! I thought I despised Drago, but this guy may very well take the cake (maybe... killing Stoick is kinda hard to top). I am kinda thinking about writing a whole post about this villains potential sometime soon, but for now, let's just appreciate how intimidating this foe is. He is so personal, targeting a character we all love solely because of his species. Plus, I am sure he will bring plenty of tension if he begins to hunt the new white female. This is gonna be angsty!! (Also, his dragon looks pretty neat. Very nasty and vicious. I wonder if he is a full-blown trainer of dragons. That in and of itself would be terrifying! I like how this dragon actually looks a lot like dragons we have seen in concept art (like the one next to Valka in some really old promo stuff). The red and black looks very lizard-like and intimidating. So, yeah, both our new dragons are looking excellent!)

So, those are the images. What did you guys think? I am so, so hyped right now. Even though this film is clearly taking risks, it seems to have a ton of amazing potential. Waiting for that trailer is gonna kill me XD

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