
Monday, July 23, 2018

Light and Dark: Happy Birthday Toothlesslove!

Happy birthday, Toothlesslove! Man, I barely finished this in time! I've been super, super busy recently (I'm presenting at St. Jude tomorrow, and I'm super nervous!), but I just HAD to make you something! I don't think it's as nice as what I managed to do last year, but I'll blame that on my time constraints! Anyway, if you want a version of the image without the birthday message, as well as to read a little bit of commentary about the art piece, click the "read more"

So, what with HTTYD3 right around the corner (GUYS. MARCH IS SO CLOSE), I thought I'd do an art piece about Toothless and our new dragon. I got the idea of the dark sky over the sunset from Romantic Flight in the first movie, but I thought it would be cool to put the dark Toothless against the brilliant light and the soft white Light Fury against the calm night sky.

I do hope you'll like it, Toothlesslove. I had some ideas for gifts that would be more directly personal, but I kinda had to cop out and just go with something I knew I could do quickly (haha, drawing a sky is soooooooo much easier than drawing a big environment... and it doesn't take me much time to draw and shade Toothless, since I do it a whole lot XD). Still, I know you've always loved clouds, so I tried my best on these. Sadly, I feel like the divide in the middle is weird... kind too 2D, but with the layout of the image, it was tricky to figure that out. Anyway, I hope you enjoy it and have a wonderful birthday. You're a great friend. We may live worlds apart, but if the Light and Night can meet and bond in HTTYD3, I certainly believe we will too!

So, happy birthday to Toothlesslove, and I hope everyone else is doing great as well. Sorry for my absence.




I certainly hope the Light Fury doesn't wind up being a character I don't like... then this piece will feel terrible!

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