
Saturday, September 15, 2018

New (Somewhat Panic Inducing) Developments!

So, we have some new HTTYD3 news, and it is causing a bit of a stir in the fandom (as far as I can see... it has kinda spooked me as well!). So, you might could have picked this detail up when you watched the trailer, but I'm still gonna give you a spoiler warning! Continue reading at your own risk.

So, after seeing Hiccup in his leather apron, and seeing Toothless flying solo in the lightning storm, I had sorta assumed that Toothless would get another autotail. This has now been confirmed. Honestly, it doesn't shock me. We have seen Hiccup make this device before, and since Toothless is clearly going to be more independent in the next film, it certainly makes sense from a plot-oriented point of view.

But is this a good thing?

Let's face it, GotNF is brilliant. It's this tiny little holiday special, but it packed a wallop of feels and some really spectacular character development. Are we gonna see all this undone? Is it going to be treated like, "Oh, Toothless has a GF now, so he doesn't need Hiccup. Here's that tail you smashed before in a touching display of loyalty! See ya!" 

However, I am not so sure that this is a guaranteed bad decision. It may not undo what GotNF did. We need to consider the potential context of this film. Hiccup, yet again, is starting to feel the ache of doubt. Dean has stated that Hiccup wonders what he is without Toothless... but more notably, he worries that he is not worthy of the dragon. This is such a sweet and yet sad display of Hiccup's humility. He STILL worries that he ties his dragon down. Now things are even harder. Hiccup is chief, Toothless is Alpha, and now suddenly Toothless has the potential to be with his own kind (in a way...). So, is it out of character for Hiccup to extend this tail to his friend again? Toothless wants to be with the dragon (Though I HIGHLY doubt the story will make it out that Toothless wants to leave Hiccup for good. I think Hiccup may fear that, just like in GotNF, but we should be confident that Dean will stick with his characters. Toothless is not just gonna abandon Hiccup). I feel like, just like GotNF, this tail will generate some genuine tension and anxiety in the story, and in us. It's a brilliant narrative tool, and sure... it may sorta feel like a retelling of GotNF, but now the stakes are much, much higher. Hiccup bears the responsibility of leading and protecting Berk, Toothless carries the heavy position of Alpha and has found a potential mate, and suddenly an old fear raises its frightening head. Hiccup worries, he doubts himself, he doubts how much he is worth to Toothless. Haha, Dean even has US worrying that Toothless won't value Hiccup! I must confess, it does put me on edge!

However, I personally think it's smart. I loved the arch of GotNF, and seeing those same themes explored (but explored with a sense of extreme danger due to Grimmel, and extreme weightiness because of Hiccup and Toothless now being the leaders of different worlds), and I would not at all mind seeing the themes hashed out in a major movie. I am not saying that this is a GOOD idea for the franchise, but I also do not see that it is inherently bad. It is risky. It will have to be handled delicately, but thus far the major films have done a really, really good job with it. Is this decision supposed to freak us out? Probably. The whole situation is supposed to make us worried and uncomfortable. I don't want to go into movie feeling comfortable, feeling like I know exactly how it will end, or that I am positive my heroes will have a happy outcome. I want to be thrown into the complexity and turmoil of the plot, I want to see Hiccup and Toothless have to struggle and grow. This offers us that opportunity. It certainly does risk undoing GotNF, but I kinda feel like it won't...

I am totally unsure of what is gonna happen in this film. I know Hiccup is going to try and learn how to let go, how to be a wise and caring leader like his father, and that Toothless will be learning how to trust his instincts as a dragon. But I don't know how this will end. I've read time and again that it will be bittersweet, that it will be a story of letting go, but at the same time... I imagine we may be surprised. That shot in the trailer of older Hiccup and Toothless smiling side by side comforts me. Is that just a vision or a memory (or an editied shot just for the trailer)? Who knows. But I'm kinda hoping that we will be pleasantly surprised. I don't think Hiccup and Toothless are just gonna tritely wish each other a quick good by and run off to their girl friends to form families, never to see each other again. Come on... this is HTTYD! Things are gone be waaaaaaaaay deeper, way more beautiful, and in the end I trust the film will be satisfying. 

Still... can't help but panic a little at this point!!!

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