
Monday, December 31, 2018

I Can't Afford to Lose You

I've had this quick painting floating around my laptop for months now, but I haven't posted it because the full image is kinda a big SPOILER for Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood. If you have seen the entire show, I'd be extremely happy for you to check out the full painting... it's probably my favorite moment in the show! If you haven't seen the finale, please don't spoil it for yourself!

You'd probably have to open the image in its own window to see the line-art clearly. I wanted to do a painting that fully captured the moment when Roy Mustang turns away from his (utterly justifiable) desire for revenge in order to protect Riza Hawkeye... who turns him away from that dark path for his own protection! I loved how carefully and competently Roy's character was handled here, and how well the theme of revenge was dealt with. The object of Roy's fury is the Homonculus Envy. Envy has gleefully regaled the audience with stories of murdering children, starting wars, and murdering Roy's best friend while wearing the face of the man's wife. He is an utterly despicable villain, and the show makes absolutely certain that you feel the same way Roy feels. You want Roy to destroy Envy, and you want Envy to suffer. But just because the show makes you feel that way, doesn't make that feeling right. Riza chases after Roy, fulfilling her promise to keep him on a noble path. She will finish Envy to protect Roy from spiraling down into the mire of hatred. She wants him to remain naive, idealistic... a man who could lead the dark nation of Amestris into a new age of light. However, he is unwilling to relent, even when Roza threatens to shoot him (as he had previously ordered her to). He remembers the friend that Envy took from him, remembers the pain of losing Hughes, and he determines that he will kill Envy personally. He will not let anyone else do it. But then he turns on Riza, he is cruel in his anger, and he asks what she plans to do if she kills him. Her answer breaks him: "I have no intention to continue living. I will remove myself and the secret of this terrible alchemy from the face of the earth." Roy does not relent for the sake of what is right, or under the threat of death, but he will not see someone else he loves hurt by his actions. He cannot afford to lose another friend. He blasts the hallway to his right with flames instead of the Homonculus in front of him. He turns from the flames of vengeance. He and Riza save each other. It really is probably my favorite moment in the whole show! I love the build-up to it, love the themes, love the animation and music and voice acting! It's so good, and my brief analysis here really doesn't begin to cover it!

Anyway, I hope you like the painting! It's a very minimal design, but I liked only using one color.

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