
Monday, December 17, 2018

I got to meet Inhonoredglory and Toothlesslove!

Well this weekend was very special and very exciting! I got to meet my two of my oldest and best friends in person for the first time! After meeting online back in 2013 (if I remember correctly XD), we've been in pretty constant contact and have all three become really close, but this was our first time to actually meet face to face!

Toothlesslove was graduating from online classes taken from Mississippi State University, and since I'm working in Memphis, I was extremely excited to have the opportunity to meet her, her sister, and her parents. They also got to meet my folks, including my younger brother!

It was extremely fun getting to just sit and talk nerdy stuff with them for hours on end, and I must say it was much quicker than emailing or texting! We discussed everything from Over The Garden Wall, to the strengths and weaknesses of the second HTTYD compared to the strengths or weaknesses of the first, to what our top favorite stories were, to the value of video games as a storytelling medium, to predictions on what the third film would be like and how the themes would play out! I know I had a blast getting to spazz about the third film, and one of my favorite topics (though probably one of the least likely ones) was "What if Toothless and the Light Fury actually battled each other at the end of the third film?" Just imagining that was stupidly exhilarating! 

We also discussed the potential for future collaborations (one of which could be collabing on an original story I want to make), so that was really exciting!

It was a really, really amazing time, and we also got to meet NightFury95 from YouTube! Haha, it was just like one big HTTYD fandom migration! 

Glory and Toothlesslove also gave me an AMAZING gift. They made a calendar which has a page for each day, and each small page is an image or artwork with a quotation on it (or at least that is what I have seen after peaking ahead just a little!). I will probably post the daily images as soon as January 1st rolls around! The crazy thing is that the images and quotes are from all my favorite stories and characters that I listed back in that spreadsheet, so it is incredibly neat and extremely personal. I'm so excited to see how each day will unfold! 

So, yeah, I feel extremely lucky to have such amazing friends, and I am really, really thankful that we got to meet and that we got to spend three days together! I certainly hope to visit them again in the coming year. They are both absolutely extraordinary people, and I'm humbled and excited to be close friends with them!!

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