
Saturday, December 22, 2018

New Fullmetal Alchemist Funko Pops!

Well, I about had a heart attack when I saw these! FMAB is by no means a new fandom/franchise, but I only just recently got into it (last year... actually I've been loving this show over a year now!). It climbed the ranks of my favorite stories and now sits as my favorite television series! I had been wondering for an entire year why there were no Funko Pops for such an iconic series, and then just this week I checked online (while I was writing my favorite stories post), and I. Lost. My. Mind! I am so thrilled to finally have a Roy Funko Pop, and I decided to go for all of them since I like the series so much! I'm gonna review all of them on this post, so click the read more if you want to see more photos!

So, Roy Mustang is my favorite character from the show, and his Funko looks great. I love that he has the long black coat draped over his shoulders, and although he doesn't ever use his alchemy to sustain a flame on his hand, it is nice to have a little fire visible on this Flame Alchemist figure! His hair looks great, and though it is a somewhat generic style, it is immediately recognizable. The detail work is fairly good: he has colored printing showing his rank on the chest of his uniform, and the flame alchemy symbol is extremely crisp on his glove. Sadly, some of the paint work isn't great: you can see areas where the blue paint of the uniform peeps through the grey, and you can see white smudges around his glove. Still, for ten bucks this is an awesome piece. He stands on his own very well, so that's nice. I decided to take some pics of him with Toothless (cause they're both in my top 3 favorite characters), and then I put him next to Levi from Attack on Titan. I'm happy to say Roy is taller :)

Edward Elric looks GREAT. The blue alchemy lightning is really eye-catching, and they pulled it off really well. His hair looks good, and his coloring is on point. I love his slightly brown shoes with redd-ish souls. Overall, he doesn't have as many painting errors as Roy, but I imagine that will vary from figure to figure. You can clearly see his pocket-watch chain, as well as the Curtis family crest on the back of his red coat. I will say that these are Fullmetal Alchemist Funko Pops, not necessarily Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood. It's nice that they picked characters who have basically identical designs across both animes. He stands well on his own, but he did come with a small platform (which I'll probably use for some of my less stable figures). I really have no complaints about this figure at all! He looks great, and I'm super happy to have such a cool character represented in my Funko collection! 

Alphonse looks great in his shiny, blue-grey finish. I feel like his pose is lack-luster, but the details all look good. I like the red lining around his white eyes, and all the spikes and straps are all in the right place! The printed red shoulder crest looks very clean and crisp. Overall, my only complaint is how neutral his stance is. I feel like it doesn't match all that well with Ed's more action-oriented posture. Still, detail-wise he is practically perfect, and I really like the color and shine. 

I wouldn't have normally grabbed Winry. She's not my favorite character from the show (Haha... I wish there was a Riza Funko!), but that's not to say I don't like her (along with how she grows alongside Ed and Scar for a really well-written arc!). She's been given her automail workshop outfit, and she has a trusty wrench in hand with which to bash Ed or Al whenever they step out of line. The ear piercings are a really nice detail, so overall Id' say she's pretty high quality! I got her mostly to complete the set (still need to get my hands on Armstrong... he's just an exclusive so he's harder to find), but I am very pleased with how she looks, and she fits in great with the rest of the cast.

So, that's the review. I'd highly recommend these to any FMA or FMAB fan. I'd say Ed is actually probably the best quality, but it's hard to beat Roy considering how incredibly popular he is (as he should be!).

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