
Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Companions Forever (Happy Birthday Toothlesslove!)

Happy Birthday, Toothlesslove! And also, hey there everyone else! I know I've been kinda absent (haha... maybe because it's super hard to acknowledge that HTTYD is over, so coming back to the blog post-HTTYD is just a reminder that their story is over), but I wanted to share this art piece which I made as a gift for my dear fan and fellow HTTYD lover: Toothlesslove!

So this is the full version. You'll probably have to open it in a separate page to view the text. Haha, it took me way too long to think of what to say, but I wanted to emphasize that though many years have passed in their friendship (both for Hiccup and Toothless, and for myself and Toothlesslove) some things will never change. 

Here are versions of the image that don't have as much/any text. The primary thing I wanted to emphasize with this image is the normalcy of their friendship. Like, I suppose this could be the night after the end of HTTYD3, and Hiccup and Toothless have had a day filled with utter excitement and joy... but now they are both very sleepy. They are resting against each other, slipping into the darkest and latest hours of the evening... and after all those years, after all the joy, pain, loss, and gain they have both experienced, they are still the same two dear friends. It's not supposed to be a grand moment, or an exciting, or even joyful one. It's a normal moment, but that's what makes it remarkable. After all this time, they still are completely used to and comfortable with each other.

This is my first time attempting this style. I've done charcoal art before, but shooting for a monochromatic style in Photoshop was new for me. Initially, I wanted them to be surrounded by their families, but after starting, I realized I wouldn't have time to give full detail to an image of that size. Above is my first SUPER rough sketch. Haha, still wish I could've added that derpy pile of Night Lights!

These are various other WIP shots. I really did want the image to wind up being pretty dark by the end of it. Like, I wanted quiet simplicity. I hope I achieved that... haha, I can never find a style that I really am good at! I just bounce around too much! But, I am pretty happy with the final product, and I certainly hope Toothlesslove will enjoy it!

So... how's everybody been since the franchise ended? I honestly haven't even watched HTTYD3 since I bought it (Ha, and I bought it 3 separate times!). It just feels so weird and scary for it to be done. I'm very happy with how it ended; honestly, I couldn't be more pleased. But, at the same time, it still kinda leaves a sore spot in my heart when I realize it's done.

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