
Wednesday, November 8, 2023

New Blog

Hi all!

I wanted to let you know that I am going to be running a new blog that focuses more on media criticism and analysis. I don't fancy myself an expert on this by any means, but I would love to give my perspective on a broader array of stories and topics.

I have a first post that explains my mentality behind media criticism, but I also wanted to explain why I am not doing this here on my original blog.

This blog is very personal. It was a place I used primarily to celebrate the story I loved, HTTYD. Because of that, this blog isn't really focused on criticism. It is very positive, and I usually just didn't discuss the elements of stories that I thought weren't great. 

This new blog will give me a platform to discuss stories I love as well as ones I feel fall short. I do not intend for this new blog to replace this one. For specifically HTTYD stuff, it will probably still show up here. For personal nerd stuff, it will probably show up here! I do not know if I will be successful at posting here often like I used to, but I do still have a place for this blog in my heart, so I am not abandoning it!

So, as for warnings, the new blog will cover some media and films that are definitely more mature than HTTYD. Ha. I may also be more negative and critical in my analysis than I usually am here. But if you are interested in seeing my critiques and analysis, please feel free to give the new blog a shot.