
Monday, December 18, 2023

A New Chapter In Our Story

The last post I made may have been a little cryptic! But it was meant for a very specific someone. On the 14th, I proposed to "VikingontheBackofaDragon". Well, more specifically I proposed to my dear Meggie. I am so happy to say that her answer was a smiling "Of course."

Meggie and I have been good friends for years now. We met through this very blog. I look back on that chance meeting and cannot help but feel it was almost miraculous. I think of the friendship we formed over these years and thank God for His clear and providential hand in all of this. I am thankful to be loved by someone like Meggie. She continued to pour kindness into my life even at times when I was cold or detached. If she had not continued to invest in our friendship, I feel sure I would have let the relationship grow distant and cold. Thankfully, over time I became keenly aware of how fortunate I was to be experiencing the devotion and love of this amazing woman. 

We have been dating for over a year now, and it has been a time of real growth for me. I look at small and big changes in my life, mentality, and spiritual walk and can clearly see how God has used Meggie so kindly to impact my life. She has helped me be kind. To care for my health. To work harder at my lab. To be optimistic about God's plans for my future. To feel joy in small, quiet moments of helping others (especially her). She has also certainly impacted my "nerd-life" by sharing her joy of things like Star Trek: The Next Generation (shoutout to Data!) along with The Ilyon Chronicles (which we have started reading together). Perhaps best of all, she has pushed me to seek more intentionally after Christ and to be often in prayer. I never thought one person could impact so many areas of my life simultaneously. But she certainly has.

And I shouldn't be surprised at how much she has pushed me for the better. She is an incredible, wonderful person. I love her mentality and the types of characters in writing that appeal to her. Her desire for good, bright, happy, noble things. She is patient with my long-winded rants and seems to always have thought-provoking insight and angles that she sees topics from that I would have certainly missed. She is so keenly observant... it is honestly amazing to me! She gets beautifully excited when discussing the stories and characters she loves, tying them back to our own lives and how those things can inspire us. She puts great effort and passion into anything she works on, pushing herself hard and holding herself to a standard of excellence. She is gentle, honest, and so very kind to me. She sees much more in me than I feel worthy of. I am also deeply happy to see God's constant work in her life. I have seen her appetite for Him, her fervor to walk obediently, and her desire to carefully pursue His will. She is a wonderful daughter of Christ and I am truly blessed to know and love her.

I suppose one final, truly sweet note I wish to end on is looking back at a post where I discussed fictional couples and which ones I like. My favorite was Roy and Riza from FMAB. This is a show I shared with Meggie (and encouraged her to finish as she powered through the bleaker, more oppressively dark moments!), and I think she and I both connected to Riza and Roy respectively. Roy has been a character I found easy to relate to from the first time I watched the show. I admired him greatly and loved seeing a character with many of my personality traits (haha, especially the ones usually reserved for calculating villains) being heroic, idealistic, loyal, and loving. In that post, I was pretty snarky about romance and my own romantic outlook. After all, I was single, and I wasn't willing to put in the effort to actively pursue anyone. But I ended the post by writing that maybe one day I would find my Riza. And I am so happy to say I have. 

I love you, Meggie. And I look forward to sharing the rest of the story God has written for our lives. 

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