
Wednesday, April 24, 2013

How To Train Your Dragon! My favorite movie of all time...why? Entry 2

Hiccup is almost certainly one of the main reasons I love HTTYD so much. There is really only one other thing about the movie that could compete with Hiccup, but I will save that for next entry. For now, let's say that Hiccup is the main reason HTTYD means so much to me. He was really inspiring. He instantly became my hero because he was so easy for me to relate to! I had never seen a movie character like him before! He was admirable, not perfect, but certainly a hero in his own way! Now that I have watched him and affiliated myself with him so much, I almost feel like I am Hiccup! Now that is what the directors intended, but man, they did an amazing job! When Hiccup is sad, I get sad. When Hiccup is stressful, my heart rate picks up and my stomach starts flipping. If I hear people talking about him in a derogatory way, I actually get offended! He was my age when I watched the first film, and I have never loved or tried to act like any character as much as Hiccup. He has become almost a role model in many ways. Man, it is a weird experience to have your heart bound up with a a movie character! My days go great when an episode comes out and Hiccup comes out happy, but when the cliff hanger endings hit me, I get so ridiculously stressed out! I guess in some ways it is comical, but I really do love the way the directors made him so much that I do want to be as much like him as possible. He means so much to me now. Sometimes I feel like I am looking at myself. His struggles have become mine, and I almost feel like I share in his triumphs. Man, that scrawny little Viking is, without debate, my hero!

I don't think there is only one thing that makes me feel so Hiccupish. I do really admire his sense of compassion! I know quite a lot of people who don't seem to even think twice about killing reptiles. I have always loved dragons and dinosaurs, so when a movie came out whose hero discovered that dragons were not evil, that was completely in sync with me! I do like to draw, and I do build some things, I am not particularly interested in sports or other tough guy activities, I can be a little sarcastic, my dad is a little intimidating (but a really great person who I really wish to make proud), and at times I really have felt a bit alone. So when I saw Hiccup having so much in common with me, it was a wonderful moment. I still remember the feelings I had after leaving that theater. What an amazing, practically life changing, day!

Hiccup's role in the film was also brilliant! I love how he is willing to stand against the whole world, risk losing everything, and be misunderstood and practically hated all for the sake of doing what he has discovered is right. That is very much in line with my beliefs as a Christian, and I am proud of what Hiccup did! I love his undying loyalty to Toothless. The courage he shows when Toothless is in trouble, and so many other things about him. If ever there was a character worth admiring, imitating and loving, it is Hiccup!

1 comment:

  1. Wow this is beautiful. What I love about you is that you love both Hiccup and Toothless for the virtues and values they represent. Not a lot of people do that. A lot of people keep these characters in the place of "cute" and "funny" and not in the realm of "admirable" and "virtuous." Thank you for being a person who sees the higher plane of meaning in HTTYD. I totally relate to you and your values. I totally relate to your reasons for loving Hiccup. He's definitely a role model, one I could say more for him than for anyone else I know in my life.
