
Friday, April 26, 2013

How To Train Your Dragon! My favorite movie of all time...why? Entry 3

Okay, now to write about the one and only thing in the film that could even hope to compare with Hiccup and that is, of course, Toothless! Every sensible person loves this dragon, and HTTYD fans can't get enough of him! He is just so, well, amazing! There are many, many aspects about Toothless that are extremely appealing, so I will just list a couple of reasons why I, and so many others, have had our hearts captivated by this wonderful character!

First off, Toothless is a dragon. Now he is not just some ordinary dragon; his physical appearance and anatomy differ greatly from any other dragon in any other film. In many ways, he is the most unique creature to jump out of the screen in many a year, and I am quoting a movie critic on that point! Besides being a very unique looking dragon, Toothless is a ridiculously COOL dragon! He is not some lumbering reptile who puffs himself up and blasts boring old normal fire; he is a stealth bomber! His species were the bane of the Viking’s existence for three hundred years, and no Viking had ever even seen one! He has that wonderful sense of terror and mystery built around him. I love the book of dragons' description of him! Whoohoohoo... still gives me chills! That moment where he tackles Hiccup and looks him straight in the eye, accompanied by that eerie and epic soundtrack (thanks John Powell!) really emphasized how sinister and intimidating he could be. He is a Night Fury. He is called the ultimate dragon by the directors. He is the unholy offspring of lightning and death itself! This dragon is so stinkingly epic and intimidating that he makes all the other dragons I have seen look a bit silly, slow, tactless, and, well, boring! As Stoick so brilliantly put it, "I haven't seen anything that can hold a candle to a Night Fury." So Toothless grabbed all the best classical dragonish traits, added some really cool ones of his own, and left all others dragons looking inferior.

Now that is only the first half of the picture shown in the heading of this post! There is a lot more to Toothless than his epic Night Fury outside. He is a really beautiful character with a great personality! Oh man, I wish I could go in depth here! As soon as Toothless displayed his first adorable face, I melted. Good could anything be so unprecedentedly cool and so heartwarmingly adorable AT THE SAME TIME?? Toothless has such a cute, curious, and humorous personality. I have spent so many hours drawing this dragon. He has grabbed me and I can't shake him, nor do I want to! If I want to see something heartwarming, I can watch him, and if I want to see some action and explosions, he fits the bill! I love the design and work the animators and concept artists put into him! His role in the film is really beautiful, and I will talk more about him and Hiccup's relationship in a later entry. For now, I will end with saying that Toothless's cuteness mixing with his awesomeness, yet without either trait ruining the other, has made him my favorite creature of all time! You may have read my Hiccup explanation and how I affiliate with him. With all that, I really do feel that one of the greatest tragedies of my life is that I do not have a Toothless! And I am sure many of you are the same way! He is a companion and friend that we can only wish for, but who’s to say we will ever stop wishing?!


  1. Wow what an awesome description of Toothless!!! It's true, his uniqueness lies in his design and his paradoxical personality: cute and dangerous all at once. My sister loves Toothless the most and spazzed reading your stuff. XD

  2. Wow! Thanks for the three comments! Really, I am actually a little surprised that anyone would appreciate what I write! You have made me really happy, and now I want to write even more! Funny to get positive feedback for the thing that most people just role their eyes at! Man, thank you so much! Those comments really motivate me. It is so nice to find other people near my age who share so much in common with me! AddyD was the first, and he is now one of my closest friends! Now that I am getting a little more active, I am discovering lots of amazing people (like you)! When you manage a wiki that is run mostly by 12 year olds, it does sometimes make you wonder if there are any older fans, but I will wonder no more! AddyD, you, the grapevine, and many other sources have displayed that I am not alone in my love and admiration of Hiccup, Toothless, and the world of HTTYD!

    1. Oh gosh yes, there are LOTS of us fans!! :D You're not immature in the least. Tumblr itself is full of people who spazz about HTTYD. Maybe not everyone feels the exact same way we do, some of them focus on the fun and cuteness and shipping (ie, romantic pairings of all sorts), but there are still many who do appreciate what HTTYD is really all about.

      I never expected to find fellow fans when I first posted HTTYD stuff online, on my deviantArt account. But I met people like PeppermintD and AvannaK (she's also on Tumblr with that name), I found YouTube people who love HTTYD the way I do -- HTTYD2014 (and he's over 20!), hiccuptoothless94, theNightFuryfan95, iVishu (also over 20, you're not alone ;), WhispertheWolf. And on Tumblr, even strangers appreciate what we believe about HTTYD (they'll agree in a little different way though, like "akfgahgjhbmbn!!! *dies*" LOL!)

      But the bottom line, you're not alone in obsessing over HTTYD, or in loving what it means! :D

    2. Oh... Yes... Those youtube-names sound pretty familiar to me :)
      Actually all of them (including you) are listed on the left hand side of my youtube-account as subscribed channels :D
      In fact, there are only two or three other subscribed channels besides the circle. You guys are amazing! Can't thank you enough for your awesome videos. Actually you inspired me to make videos by myself. I even put them on youtube, but they're instantly blocked (As almost every video here in germany -.-) I can only embed them if I list them as private... I've done this with one video on Toothless's talk page on the wiki and I'll put this video on this blog later too. (Along with some little description ;) )
      Dragonific Greetings from Dresden, Germany

      PS.: by the way... I'm only one and a half year away from becoming a quarter century in age...
