
Tuesday, July 30, 2013

A busy, crazy, dragonific, random, and unbelievably amazing day!

Woohoooooooo! Yes, that little wet Hiccup shouting "Yeah!" was a whole lot like me today!

Man, where on earth to begin? Well, Adrian and I got up at six in the morning (I had had a poor night's sleep...I'll explain why later.) to go and drive to a water theme park about three hours from my house. Long trip, but we listening to HTTYD and other soundtracks on the way to pass the time. And then of course we had tons of fun discussing HTTYD, HTTYD2, RoB, GotNF, and any other random HTTYD tidbit that could be imagined! That was pretty cool, but the ride back was far better...

Then, we got there. Really, really fun park. Honestly, I went all out on the HTTYD fanboyness! Every. Single. Ride. Had. To. Tie. In. To. HTTYD. And that was fun! One ride was done on matts. You would lay down on these foam matts and slide rapidly down a very steep and rippling slide. The matts had, well, handles. And these handles just happened to be right were Hiccup's handles on Toothless's saddle are! So, yeah...we kind of raced Nightfury saddles down a slide, and I shamelessly did Hiccup quotes the WHOLE way down! Haha! That was extremely fun. You even got this nice splash in the face, and Adrian and I agreed that that must have been caused by our Night Furies diving beneath a Thunderdrum wing. Think I'm ridiculous yet? Just wait.

Next rides! One slide was an absolute drop from about ten stories or so. So, yeah, skydiving off of Toothless anyone? Next slide was extremely, extremely cool. It was a complete tube, and it was pitch black. So you would go down it, and every curve would jolt you randomly to the right and left. There was no way to anticipate which way you would be thrown. So...what do I do? I start quoting RoB episode 19 Hiccup. "Ok, where are you going, and how are you seeing!" Yes, then I yelled at the top of my lungs the whole way through and thanked my imaginary Bud when we made it out! Ok, could I get any more random? Seriously?...oh yes, it gets even better!

Last ride I went on was called the Backsplash. It shot you at REALLY nice high speed straight up a five to seven story slope, and then you slowed, and then you soared backwards down the ramp. The line was monstrous, but it was worth the wait. I could not help it! This was the teaser moment where Toothless zooms up and then free falls backwards! It was the most INCREDIBLE feeling! Flying along so fast, getting so high, and then slowly free falling back at first until is turns into a lightning speed decent! Ah, I am a SUCKER for feelings! I tried to get just a little taste of what Hiccup and Toothless get, and it could not have been more fun.

Ok, so all he's done is talk about applying HTTYD feels to slides. Big deal. Haha! that's still not it! I am walking along, gabbing to Adrian and my younger brother, when I see something that drops my jaw. Someone, about the age of eighteen I'd guess, is walking in front of us with a GRONCKLE backpack! My HTTYD radar was going crazy for a reason! What on earth are the chances? I slapped my younger brother in the chest and pointed. None of us could believe it. I wound up running up to the guy just to say, "Excuse me. I really like your backpack!" He seemed a little surprised and just said thanks. Ah well, he made my day whether I made his or not. I probably just freaked him out... Man, I needed to be on a leash or something!

Ok, as IF, AS IF that wasn't enough, one person, an absolute stranger, got into a conversation with us. He wound up asking us how we met, and we explained the whole HTTYD wiki meeting. He was more of a Minecraft guy, but he appreciated our fandom as a cool hobby, so we were on pretty good terms. After about half an hour of going through rides with this guy he finally says, "Um you kinda really look like Hiccup. I mean, your hair and stuff. Oh, and your voice too..." Then I, well, I'm not sure what I did. I think it was a sort of double fist pump while shouting through gritted teeth, "Thank you!" He was actually a little relieved because he said that he felt I might take it the wrong way. I told him he had not just made my day, he'd made my week! Ahahaahaaa! To have a random stranger call me Hiccupish! Oh, I still can't believe it! I had been blasting down slides all day, not even messing with my hair, and not really even trying to put on a Hiccup accent, but this random stranger said I looked, sounded, and acted like him. Don't know how perceptive this guy was honestly...or how familiar he was with Hiccup, but he certainly made me happy!

So, that was the water park! I was a little glad to get a shirt back on. None were allowed on the slides, and I did feel an odd mix of embarrassment and amusement as I looked at all the other guys. Embarrassed because I'm horribly pale and rather grossly thin (according to my mom and extend family who all claim I am trying to starve myself, which isn't true; I'm just not hungry) under my tees, and amused because, maybe, just maybe, Hiccup would also be embarrassed to be forced to be shirtless. Anywho, that is kind of even more random than the other stuff!

On the way home, tons more HTTYD music, but then we did something a little more special. Adrian started to watch videos from The Circle (an amazing Youtube group who makes HTTYD music videos). So, as if being able to quote the movie to the soundtrack wasn't enough for me, I decided to describe what he was seeing in the videos. He had his laptop turned away from me. Through an entire HTTYD music video with the song "Make a Man Out Of You" I described what he was seeing, made comments on it, and even smiled and laughed at images I could not see! He was actually quite impressed, but I just love those circle videos! That made three hours fly by!

Then I get home. Surely that's enough HTTYD for one day, right? Nope. I then discovered the tee shirt contest was finally up, and Yahoo! I had a lot of fun looking at what others did. Some stuff was just amazing, though I must admit to being a tad bit, well, brutally critical of images that I did not think were great. It was sort of a mix between me rating tee shirts as 1's thinking, "Well, it just isn't that good...and I can't bring myself to give that anything other than a 1." and me rating shirts 5's and wishing I could rate them tens or twenties! Some stuff just grabbed me ad made me either laugh, sit there beaming, or shout "AWE! That is so cool!" So, yep, I rated all three hundredish entries. My entry doesn't stand a chance, but I am so happy to have participated! Stunning, stunning contest!

Oh yes...and I am pretty tired now because I told my friend Adrian about a certain Skrill story and then woke up in the night and couldn't get back to sleep. If any of you don't already know, I am now really disturbed by Skrills...really, really, deeply frightened by them. So...all that to say, I started this day being scarred of an HTTYD dragon, went through the day feeling remarkably like I was getting a tiny taste of Test Drive, was called Hiccupish by an absolute stranger, and am now ending my day by rating amazing HTTYD tee shirt designs! This day couldn't have gotten much better. If any other random HTTYD thing happens I think I'll go into a coma.


  1. Haha! I think I shed a tear reading this. Hilarious! I'm surprised you didn't have an hour long "chat" with the HTTYD back-pack owner. :)

    P.S. I've always thought you looked very Hiccup-ish.

    1. Yeah, I actually caught a text or something you sent once where you said I looked Hiccupish, and I seriously appreciated that! :D

      Hmmm...the backpack guy might have been more freaked out than excited by me! Ah well, I thought he was cool, but he probably thought I was nuts! Still it was a really, really fun day. I couldn't believe all that happened. It was so random, and it made me pretty happy! Glad you enjoyed reading about it, and thanks for commenting!

  2. Sounds like you and AddyD had a lot of fun. Also, you do look like Hiccup! Perhaps DreamWorks stalked you and used you as an insperation for Hiccup XD. Also, I never knew you were scared of Skrills! Since us Skrills now know your fear, we are going to hunt you down in a trippy Superjail! fashion jk.

    GO SKRILLS!!!!

    1. Hehehhh...yeah. Um, there is a real reason that Skrills freak me out. Seriously. I helped (sort of prompted) someone write a story and do an image of a Skrill that really killed me. It kind of started as a scary mental image I got, and then it quickly evolved into something that still sometimes gives me nightmares. I will post links to it in the comment, but this is not for the faint of heart...or the Hiccup lover (aka it is not for me because it has scarred me for life.)


      story that was create so as to resolve the image:

      Seriously, unless you've got a lot more guts than me... or unless you are cruel and do not care about Hiccup, I would suggest avoiding these links. *Sudders*

  3. Wow. What an AWESOME day! I can't believe how many feelings/coincidences/amazing events just happened there. An HTTYD fan's dream come true. But considering, even your nightmares are HTTYD XD Wow the rides must have been ten times more awesome interrelated to HTTYD. I don't know how to swim, so I never got to experience the pleasure of getting blasted seven stories up in a water slide! But on the back of an imagined Night Fury -- what a feeling. That image of you and Adrian riding side by side on your own Furies is just so cool, screaming Hiccup quotes to each other all the while (or was it mostly you quoting Hiccup? *wink, wink* XD). And then the Gronckle back-pack and the random guy who thought you looked like Hiccup -- it doesn't get any better really. He even said your voice sounded like Hiccup's? Neat.

    Haha, that is so cute you were amused/embarrassed to be forced shirtless -- and how Hiccup would feel *exactly* the same thing! That just struck me as so real. I can just imagine poor Hiccup forced in some swimming competition and getting extremely self-conscious at himself and all the other guys sizing him up (Snotlout 'specially XD). Ah he'd be so cute embarrassed! But fascinating what you say you're so thin and your mom and relations all say you're "starving" yourself but you're just not hungry -- that is *freakishly* like me! My mother can't believe I can eat and not get any bigger than I am and I'm sort of on the border of too thin, but I'm not trying to starve myself at all! It's true -- I just don't get hungry too often! Sometimes I get tired while everyone gets hungry -- maybe something's wrong with our brains and our minds/hormones refuse to tell us when to eat, haha.

    And then you both watched Circle vids and you've practically MEMORIZED some of them! Wow. That is a real honor. So much detailed work is put into fan videos; I've watched my sis do it and she crafts every second of them. It's nice to hear someone appreciating every second! And hey your t-shirt wasn't doing too bad in the contest for a while -- I and a lot of people actually liked your Red Death-almost-blasting-Hictooth shirt. It's quite unique among the entries. But yeah -- with 300+ entries it will be tricky for anybody to get a place in the winning circle. Glad you had fun rating though! We did too :)

    Anyway, sweet non-Skrilly daydreams! Hehe XD Hope a day like this comes more often than a Night Fury sighting!

  4. Oh gosh, what a thrilling day! Connecting everything to HTTYD, that's epic ways of cool. XD And fun! Might as well go all out. ;) And being called Hiccupish is the best thing evah! Sure to send any Hiccup fan into a fit of joy. And that's cool you're able to memorize the Circle vids. Kind of touching! Hehe, what a joy of a day. Refreshing and fun! Thanks for relating it to us, quite the thing to record in a journal, quite the thing to remember!
