
Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Another day with Addy

So, today we were planning to go to the Memphis Zoo, but we were rained out. I guess we'll try again tomorrow. After that...I must confess I was really unsure what we'd do with the rest of the day. We'd gotten up early to go, and now I was stumped on what we could do. I was pretty sure that we wouldn't do anything dragonific today, but I was wrong!

Ha, now...what we did was only dragonific because we made it dragonific! We went bowling, and we entered very interesting names.

Addy was Hiccup (One of us certainly was going to get that name!)

I was Toothless (Oh yes! Addy even met me with the username of Toothless online!)

And my younger brother was Link (He's a big Zelda fan)

So we start bowling, and none of us are exactly good...In fact I am sure we are all amateurs, but that didn't stop us from having fun! It was pretty enjoyable to see this kind of a thing displayed onscreen each time we made a strike!

In bowling, an X is a strike and a / is a spare. I just recently learned that. So, that was really fun, but after game one I started stinking. I mean STINKING! I guess I just lost focus and got sloppy, and I made Toothless look about as accurate as a Gronckle after sniffing dragon nip. It was pretty bad, and the others noticed it for sure! They tried tons of things to encourage me, they told me to focus, but really none of use were doing all that well. Finally, I knocked down about three pins and walked back to recover my ball. Adrian said, "See those pins? Let's say they're a Skrill." And then my brother kindly put out one hand to look like a stick figure, laid it flat, and then started mock eating it with his other hand while going "Omnomnom!" That was it; I had to clobber those pins now. So I walked to the very back of the building, sprinted forward about twelve feet, launched the ball, and got a spare! So, we all agreed that I had saved Hiccup, and then ironically after that Adrian started getting strike after strike! I was a bit funny because being really annoyed/angry with the pins/Skrill sort of helped me focus I guess...Nothing like thinking of a Skrill attacking Hiccup to give me an adrenaline rush!

So, here below was that final score. My first spare (I'm the T), the one in throw six, was that Skrill spare, and you can see that I improved a good deal after I started "dive-bombing" Skrills, Alvin, Mildew, but mostly Skrills... Yeah Mostly inhonoredglory Skrills.

So, that was a fun afternoon! This evening, after we go to our church service, we plan to watch GotNF and maybe some RoB episodes! Very fun afternoon, much to my surprise! I was sure that us getting rained out would sort of ruin the day, but we had tons of fun bowling!

1 comment:

  1. Thats's it! I'm banning the internet! There shall be no internet for abusing the Skrills!
    Skrill abuse is bad!

    Keep your *Bowling* balls in you hands and stop hurting Skrills!

    Go Skrills!!

    And Hiccup was delicious XD!
