
Friday, September 27, 2013

Live and Let Fly: Things I liked! Post 2

Alright, the first thing that I really appreciated in the first episode was the tiny spat between Hiccup and Toothless! My goodness! It was gloriously charming and so in character for both of them! Nice to see Toothless being given some personality! The event may have been pretty short, but it was still precious to see them interacting with each other! I think the quieter, more character centered events always wind up being my favorites. Sure, the fights and new dragons and enemies are exciting, but in the end just seeing Hiccup and Toothless together is always really beautiful.

So first Toothless is looking happily at the sunset expecting to get to fly, but hours go by, and Hiccup won't take him. Enough's enough, and look at how charmingly cross Toothless is as he prepares to slap Hiccup in the side of the head! He wants to fly, he's got a mind of his own, and he's going to express that in a lot of ways before this scene is over!

So after slapping and gesturing outside doesn't work, Toothless goes up and shoves Hiccup in the back. Hiccup is trying to keep his mind busy by working on new inventions, but Toothless wants to fly. Hiccup's certainly going to have a hard time focusing if Toothless can help it! I love how he just sticks his nose in Hiccup's work! He certainly feels that he is more important than Hiccup's contraption!

Hiccup points, and Toothless is disappointed that his efforts are not working. Hiccup can't give Toothless what he wants without disobeying his dad, so Toothless is going to have to do more than shove and slap him to get a flight! Hiccup points for Toothless to go outside, but the Night Fury has more tricks up his sleeve!

So, first he roars at Hiccup. Of course that doesn't work. Hiccup knows that Toothless won't do anything to him, but of course he feels bad that Toothless is cross. Still... this roar is a sham, and Hiccup  knows it. 

When roaring doesn't work, Toothless moves on to his final phase of attack: SMILE :D I loved seeing him try all these different methods of convincing Hiccup! It is like he is experimenting, trying to figure out the one thing that will hit Hiccup just right and win him over! Very charming to see that Toothless knows different ways of convincing! Nice to see him smiling again! Don't you just love this dragon?

And when Hiccup calmly gestures for Toothless to lay down, Toothless does! Nice to see that he is respectful of Hiccup's command, BUT he sulks! Very cute to see Toothless pout. He's tried a lot of different methods, but Hiccup isn't convinced, and now Toothless is going to sit there and throw a little pity party for himself! It does go to show how much he really loves the night flights with Hiccup, and that in and of itself is another lovely thing.

And then... Gobber comes along, tactfully talks about how great it would be to fly, and Toothless's determination is rekindled. He gets right up in Hiccup's face. He's not going to forget it. Hiccup tells him they can't so he might as well stop thinking about it, but that's soooo not going to happen. A determined Night Fury is a determined Night Fury, and Hiccup might as well surrender. Toothless doesn't always back down, and now he's going to breath in Hiccup face (which Hiccup comically wafts away. Don't you love it that Toothless can have really awful breath? Makes sense, and I kind of think it is cute! The GotNF moment with his dragon breath was priceless!) until he gets what he wants. In the end, Hiccup agrees, and Toothless emerges the victor of their little argument.

This scene was really cute to see them both rubbing each other the wrong way! This might be my favorite bit of the whole episode. Friends don't always just get along perfectly, and when Toothless and Hiccup don't agree, one of them is going to have to concede! They take turns doing that, but this time it was Hiccup's turn! 

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