
Saturday, September 28, 2013

Live and Let Fly: Things I liked! Post 3

Another thing I actually really liked about the first episode of Defenders of Berk is that Hiccup felt very much in character and very down to earth. I don't know... sometimes he felt a bit to brash, cocky, and outgoing in RoB. Hiccup is always sarcastic, but he usually does it in a self depreciating, defensive kind of way in the film. In RoB it almost felt like he occasionally used his whit to one-up other people and make himself look good, and I didn't like that. We got none of that here! Hiccup felt very much like movie Hiccup. He was brave, but he wasn't exactly super outgoing and he certainly didn't feel like an extrovert. That was nice. I loved how he initially went out to fly at night alone because he did not want to get others in trouble, and I really, really appreciated the fact that he was being conscience and conviction driven again. Yes, he's going against his dad because he is trying to do what is right. Very much the movie feel! I even liked his little speech to Fishlegs (which Fishlegs completely missed the point of). It almost was a summation of what Hiccup believes: One must do what he knows is right no matter the consequences. It is an incredibly admirable trait of Hiccup in the film, and getting to see that conviction bleed into a simple twenty minute episode really was fantastic!

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