
Monday, September 23, 2013

My birthday!

Well, this last Friday was my birthday. I wanted to write a post about it on that day, but I was far, far to busy! It was probably one of the best birthdays I've had, definitely was the one where most people knew about it and did things for me! Let me see... I wonder if I can sum it up in a way that would be interesting!

I woke up at four am. Not good. I had two very large, very important exams, and I was soooo nervous. Since I couldn't get back to sleep I checked my inbox. AddyD had actually sent me a text all the way form Germany, and posted a very kind message for me on the wiki, AND sent me a long email! Pretty cool to find all of that. Then I also had mails from my grandparents and two other really great HTTYD friends, Toothlesslove and Inhonoredglory!

Tests went fine. I went home, and I downloaded the Defenders of Berk episode in HD from iTunes. That was exciting! iTunes released the new season on my birthday! I was also gifted a whole Album of Lindsey Stirling (seriously, if you don't know who she is, you need to go listen to some of her stuff.) As soon as I got home I called AddyD via Skype, and boy did he have a surprise for me!

When he came this summer, he planned out this whole CRAZY scavenger hunt for me! That was three months ago! He had prepared notes and hidden clues all over the house (along with the aid of my clever younger brother). I was shocked by his amount of foresight in this action! So… the thing started by an HTTYD video that AddyD sent me explaining the first step (Haha! It explained it by using lines form HTTYD). After that, each clue was written in rune, and was always, ALWAYS a riddle of some HTTYD based nature! Everything from saying "Gobber needs to take a look at your little brother's dragon" to hints where I had to look up passages in the HTTYD books, to one that told me to find a picture of the title of my favorite RoB episode. Really interesting! Anyway, I finally discovered the prize behind the "Ticking thing", and it was a card that he had bought and written WHILE here this summer! It was an LotR card that I had noted as being really cool while he was present. He had written a really, really kind message… all in rune! I was really amazed at how thoughtful he had been, AND at how well he and my brother had kept the secret! That was one of the most well planned birthday things I'd ever done, and it was very cool because it felt a lot like the episode Portrait of Hiccup as a Buff Man. My little brother also gave me twenty dollars hidden in the card. That was really something, and I chatted with Addy for about an hour after that. When he had to go, I watched the DoB episode over again. Even though it is a little too much much stuff crammed into twenty minutes (imo), the episode is BEAUTIFUL! Wow… I got chills several times while watching it! Lots of stuff could I could point out in it that I love! Then it was off to go and pick my little brother up.

I went out and got ice cream with my little brother. Then I went home and he and I watched the DoB episode (again). He also bought the Croods for me (very nice film if you haven't seen it). I also purchased another of the new Defenders of Berk action figures. Yet another Toothless to scatter around my room!

After that I went to supper with two of my best friends. One had purchased two very cool graphic tees for me (neither HTTYD, but still cool!) and the other had bought me a journal with celtic knots in the shape of a tree on the front. Really liked that. At supper we chatted a lot about good spiritual things, so I was thankful to get to spend the time wisely. They did somewhat have a running gag of yelling "Intervention!" every time I mentioned Toothless, but I knew they were kidding.

After that I went back and watched the third Indiana Jones with my younger brother and friends. It was getting pretty late, but there was still much more bday stuff in store for me! When my friend left and my brother went to bed, I checked to see what my online friends had given to me, and it was very surprising! I'll just list them here.

Tarch7 from tumblr rendered this for me.

Justoffravenpoint from tumblr made me this photo-set (which is a very cool parity between movie images and a book quote).

A digital painting of me with Hiccup and Toothless from Inhonoredglory

And then lastly, Toothlesslove sent me a sort of short-story/drabble that was nothing short of fantastic. Might be my favorite HTTYD gift that I've ever been given (but that is such a hard choice to make!). It is HAUNTING, but in the sweetest sort of way! Really grabbed my imagination. The general plot is that Toothless winds up in my room while I'm sleeping, so I am sure you can imagine that any story like that would excite and enchant me to no end! Beautiful writing style and incredibly in character Toothless all weaved into a tale where I am one of the characters. It was incredible, and I've read the thing five times already!

So that was my birthday. Thanks so much to all of you who though of me and made me gifts. It certainly was a great day! Haha, DreamWorks even gave me the tv season. I can't imagine a better day!

1 comment:

  1. Well, happy birthday again! Here's the link (I hope it works):

    Another book quote crossover, but this time I thought of it while listening to the How to Cheat a Dragon's Curse audiobook (David Tennant does a superb job of reading the books). It's nice to hear you had such a great birthday, and I hope you like my gift! =)

    Oh, and I understand why you aren't on tumblr as much anymore. I really respect your decision, and I truly wouldn't want to do anything to cause you to second-guess that decision, which is why I've been trying not to contact you via tumblr much.
