
Monday, September 23, 2013

Skrill References

Ok, so according to most HTTYD polls that I have come across, the Skrill is the most anticipated Dragon in the HTTYD franchise. We've seen tantalizingly little of him, and considering he is the only dragon to share a class with Toothless, it is no wonder people are excited by him. In my opinion he may be the second most realistic looking dragon. Anyway, I've got some references to post on him, and some of the stuff I spotted showed me that I have not been as accurate as I thought while drawing him... actually I think I've not seen anyone draw one certain feature of him correctly.

Ok, so the thing I know I've missed, and apparently most others have missed as well is that the Skrill has an underbite. Like most HTTYD dragons, his bottom jaw is longer than his top. I think I missed this mostly because we always see him with his mouth open, but still. These images should make it pretty clear--his bottom jaw is longer than his top.

Now LOOK at that! His head spikes are pulled back as he prepares to blast! The Skrills crown apparently shows some expression, and I find that really cool! He pulls it back while prepping, and then he fans it out violently as he releases his electrical blast. Cool little detail that I missed. I had no idea he could move those spikes around.

Note the absolutely massive wing claws. Very unique, and I imagine somewhat deadly.

No idea what the green fog exhale is. Interesting though. Also, note the crown. The spikes are all almost the same length except for the very center one. It is shorter, which is completely unlike the Nadder and Whispering death.

Pretty easy to tell he has an underbite. However... I think he may be the only dragon whose top teeth show even when his mouth is closed. Makes him look kind of sinister. Also, Skrills have a long spike on their chin.

And finally look at how crooked his back spikes are! Really odd. Skrills also have small nostrils which in my opinion is VERY good. Most HTTYD dragons have huge nostrils, Toothless doesn't, so it is nice to see his cousin has something in common with hime. The Skrill's eyes are a good deal smaller than Toothless's though.

I really hope DreamWorks will give this dragon a really epic part in the HTTYD story. It could be so much! I am dying for a Night Fury to Skrill rivalry, but we'll see what happens.

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